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Table of Contents
Journal Papers
2011 - 2017
1. Phillips-Grafflin, C., Suay, H.B., Mainprice, J., Alunni, N., Lofaro, D., Berenson, D., Chernova, S., Lindeman, R.W., Oh, P.Y., “From Autonomy to Cooperative Traded Control of Humanoid Manipulation Tasks with Unreliable Communication: Applications to the Valve-turning Task of the DARPA Robotics Challenge and Lessons Learned,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer-Verlag, Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s10846-015-0256-5, Sept 2015
IEEE Xplore
2. Wang, H., Zheng, Y.F., Oh, P.Y., “Ski-Type Self-Balance Humanoid Gait,” International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, World Scientific Publishing, Sept 2014
IEEE Xplore
3. Lee, S., Oh, P.Y., “Sensor Information Analysis for a Humanoid Robot”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS), 13(1):1-7, DOI 10.1007/s12555-013-0519-5
4. Rasmussen, C., Yuvaraj, K., Vallet, R., Sohn, K., Oh, P.Y., “Towards Functional Labeling of Utility Vehicle Point Clouds for Humanoid Driving,” Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR), Springer-Verlag, January 2014
IEEE Xplore
5. O’Flaherty, R., Vieira, P., Grey, M., Oh, P.Y., Bobick, A., Egerstedt, M., Stilman, M., “Humanoid Robot Teleoperation for Tasks with Power Tools,” Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR), Springer-Verlag, January 2014
IEEE Xplore
6. Zucker, M., Jun, Y., Killen, B., Kim, T., Oh, P.Y., “Continuous Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Humanoid Door Opening,” Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR), Springer-Verlag, January 2014
IEEE Xplore
7. Alumni, N., Phillips-Grafflin, C., Suay, H.B., Lofaro, D., Berenson, D., Chernova, S., Lindeman, R.W., Oh, P.Y., “Toward A User-Guided Manipulation Framework for High-DOF Robots with Limited Communication,” Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics (ISR), Springer-Verlag, January 2014
8. Dantam, N., Lofaro, D., Hereid, A., Oh, P.Y., Ames, A., Stilman, M., “Reliable Software for Humanoid Robots,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, August 2013
IEEE Xplore
9. Danko, T., Oh, P.Y., “Design and Control of a Hyper-Redundant Manipulator for Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems (JINT), Springer-Verlag, Oct 2013
IEEE Xplore
10. Hing, J., Menda, J., Izzetoglu, K., Oh, P.Y., “An Indoor Study to Evaluate A Mixed-Reality Interface For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in Near Earth Environments”, International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS), V16, N2, June 2011
1999 - 2010
1. Jun, Y., Ellenberg, R., Oh, P.Y., “From Concept to Realization: Designing Miniature Humanoids for Running”, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, V8 N1, pp. 8-13, 2010
2. Hing, J., Oh, P.Y., “Mixed Reality for Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicles in Near Earth Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Robots, Oct 2010
IEEE Xplore
3. Hing, J., Oh, P.Y., “Development and Evaluation of a Chase View for UAV Operations in Cluttered Environments”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer-Verlag, [DOI 10.1007/s10846-009-9356-4], August 2009
4. Sevcik, K., Oh, P.Y., “Exploring the Effect of Obscurants on Safe Landing Zone”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Springer-Verlag, [DOI 10.1007/s10846-009-9358-2], August 2009
5. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “A Hybrid MAV for Ingress and Egress of Urban Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, May 2009
IEEE Xplore
6. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “Optic-Flow Based Collision Avoidance”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, V15, Issue 1, pp. 96-103, March 2008
IEEE Xplore
7. Stanciu, R.I., Oh, P.Y., “Human-in-the-Loop Camera Control for a Mechatronic Broadcast Boom”, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, V12, Issue 1, pp. 41-52, Feb. 2007
IEEE Xplore
8. Sevcik, K.W., Oh, P.Y., “Unmanned Vehicles, Sensors and Performance Testing for Near-Earth Missions”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, August 2006
9. Oh, P.Y., “TRIPOD: A Template for Real-time Image PrOcessing Development”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, V12 N4, 65-74, December 2005
IEEE Xplore
10. Oh, P.Y., Green, W.E., “CQAR: Closed Quarter Aerial Robot Design for Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Tasks in Urban Areas”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence, V1 N4, pp. 353-360, 2004
Semantic Scholar
11. Oh, P., Zhang, R., Mode, C., Jurgens, S., “Information Technologies for Civilian Bioterrorism Response”, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 2 Number 6, pp. 1-5, 2004
12. Oh, P., Green, W.E., “A Mechatronic Kite and Camera Rig to Rapidly Acquire, Process and Distribute Aerial Images”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, V9 N4, pp. 671-678, December 2004
IEEE Xplore
13. Oh, P., Allen, P.K., “Visual Servoing By Partitioning Degrees-of-Freedom,” IEEE Transactions of Robotics and Automation, V17 N1, pp. 1-17, February 2001
IEEE Xplore
14. Allen, P.K., Miller, A., Oh, P., Leibowitz, B., “Integration of Vision, Force and Tactile Sensing for Grasping,” International Journal of Intelligent Machines, V4 N1, pp. 129-149, January 1999
Conference Papers
2011 - 2019
1. D. Kim, J. Choi,"A New UAV-based Module Lifting and Transporting
Method: Advantages and Challenges", International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction(ISARC), Banff, Canada, May 2019
\\will be updated soon
1. Hament, B., Oh, P.Y., "Unmanned Aerial and Ground Vehicle (UAV-UGV) System Prototype for Civil Infrastructure Missions" 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2018
IEEE Xplore
2. Wallace, D., Hament, B., Chagas Vaz, J., Oh, P.Y., "Augmenting a Miniature Humanoid Platform with a Low-cost Networked Computer Vision Framework," 2018 IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Las Vegas, Nevada, January 2018
IEEE Xplore
3.D. Kim, P. Oh, "Lab Automation drones for mobile manipulation in high throughput systems", IEEE International Conference on, Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, January 2018
\\IEEE Explore
4.D. Kim, P. Oh, "Toward Lab Automation Drones for Micro-plate Delivery in High Throughput Systems", IEEE International Conference on, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Dallas, June 2018
\\IEEE Explore
5.D. Kim, P. Oh, "Towards Micro-Plate Delivery using a re-sized Lab Automation Drone in High Throughput Systems", IEEE International Conference on, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Hawaii, July 2018
\\IEEE Explore
1. Hament, B., Cater, A., Oh, P.Y., "Coupling Virtual Reality and Motion Platforms for Snowboard Training," 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), Jeju, South Korea, June 2017
IEEE Xplore
2.D. Kim, P. Oh, "Skywriting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Proof of Concept Design", IEEE International Conference on, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Miami, June 2017
\\IEEE Explore
1. Jun, Y.B., Jang, G.H., Cho, B.K., Trubatch, J., Kim, I.H., Seo, S.D., Oh, P.Y., "A Humanoid Doing an Artistic Work - Graffiti on the Wall," IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, Korea, October 2016
IEEE Xplore
1. Korpela, C., Orsag, M., Danko, T., Oh, P.Y., “Insertion Tasks using an Aerial Manipulator,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), pp.1-6, Woburn MA, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
2. Rasmussen, C., Sohn, K., Yuvaraj, K., Oh, P.Y., “Early Phases of Humanoid Vehicle Ingress Using Depth Cameras,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
3. Ellenberg, R., Oh, P.Y., “Contact Wrench Space Stability Estimation for Humanoid Robots,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
4. Danko, T., Oh, P.Y., “Toward Coordinated Manipulator-Host Visual Servoing for Mobile Manipulating UAVs,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, pp. 1-6, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
5. Wang, H., Zheng, Y.F., Jun, Y., Oh, P.Y., “DRC-Hubo Walking on Rough Terrains,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
6. Jun, Y., Weisz, J., Rasmussen, C., Allen, P., Oh, P.Y., “Real-Time Teleop with Non-Prehensile Manipulation,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2014
IEEE Xplore
7. Danko, T., Oh, P.Y., “Evaluation of Visual Servoing Control of Aerial Manipulators Using a Hardware-In-The-Loop Test Gantry,” International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), Orlando, FL, pp. 821-829, May 2014
IEEE Xplore
8. Orsag, M., Korpela, C., Bogdan, S., Oh, P.Y., “Valve turning using a Dual-Arm Aerial Manipulator,” International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), Orlando, FL, pp. 836-841, May 2014
IEEE Xplore
9. Luo, J., Zhang, Y., Hauser, K., Park, H.A., Paldhe, M., Lee, C.S.G., Grey, M., Stilman M., Oh, J.H., Lee J., Kim, I., Oh, P.Y., “Robust Ladder-Climbing with a Humanoid Robot with Application to the DARPA Robotics Challenge,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, May 2014
IEEE Xplore
10. Wang, H., Li, S., Zheng, Y.F., Kim, t., Oh, P.Y., “Ski-Type Self-Balance Humanoid Walking for Rough Terrain,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, May 2014
IEEE Xplore
11. Korpela, C., Orsag, M., Oh, P.Y., “Towards Valve Turning using a Dual-Arm Aerial Manipulator,” IEEE Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), pp. 3411-3416, Chicago, IL, Sept 2014
IEEE Xplore
12. Rasmussen, C., Sohn, K., Oh, P.Y., “Perception and Control Strategies for Driving Utility Vehicles with a Humanoid Robot,” IEEE Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), Chicago, IL, Sept 2014
IEEE Xplore
13. Mainprice, J., Phillips-Grafflin, C., Suay, H.B., Alunni, N., Lofaro, D., Berenson, D., Chernova, S., Lindeman, R., Oh, P.Y., “From autonomy to traded-cooperative control of humanoid manipulation tasks with unreliable communication: system design and lessons learned,” IEEE Intelligent Robotics and Systems (IROS), Chicago, IL, Sept 2014
IEEE Xplore
1. Ellenberg, R., Gross, R., Vallett, R., Nutt, B., Oh, P.Y., “Development of the Skewed Rotation Plane (SRP) Joint for Humanoid Robots,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
2. Dang, H., Jun, Y., Oh, P.Y., Allen, P.K., “Planning Complex Physical Tasks for Disaster Response with a Humanoid Robot,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
3. Zhang, Y., Luo, J., Hauser, K., Ellenberg, R., Oh, P.Y., Park, A.H., Paldhe, M., Lee, C.S.G., “Motion Planning of Ladder Climbing for Humanoid Robots,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
4. O’Flaherty, R., Vieira, P., Grey, M.X., Oh, P.Y., Bobick, A., Egerstedt, M., Stilman, M., “Humanoid Robot Teleoperation for Tasks with Power Tools,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
5. Zucker, M., Jun, Y., Killen, B., “Continuous Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Humanoid Door Opening,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
6. Grey, M.X., Dantam, N., Lofaro, D,. Bobick, A., Egerstedt, M., Oh, P.Y., Stilman, M., “Multi-Process Control Software for Humanoid Robots,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
7. Zheng, Y.F., Wang, H., Li, S., Liu, Y., Orin, D., Sohn, K., Jun, Y., Oh, P.Y., “Humanoid Robots Walking on Grass, Sands and Rocks,” IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
8. Rasmussen, C., Yuvraj, K., Vallett, R., Sohn, K., Oh, P.Y., “Towards Functional Labeling of Utility Vehicle Point Clouds for Humanoid Driving,”, IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn MA, April 2013
IEEE Xplore
9. Korpela, C., Orsag, M., Miles, C.D., Oh, P.Y., “Dynamic Stability of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013
IEEE Xplore
10. Korpela, C., Orsag, M., Jun, Y., Brahmbhatt, P., Oh, P.Y., “A Hardware-In-The-Loop Test Rig for Aerial Manipulation.” International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, May 2013
IEEE Xplore
11. Orsag, M., Korpela, C., Bogdan, S., Oh, P.Y., “Lyapunov based Model Reference Adaptive Control for Aerial Manipulation,” International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, May 2013
IEEE Xplore
12. Danko, T., Oh, P.Y., “A Hyper-Redundant Manipulator for Mobile Manipulating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, May 2013
IEEE Xplore
13. Korpela, C., Orsag, M., Miles, C.D., Oh, P.Y., “Stability Control in Aerial Manipulation,” IEEE American Control Systems Conference (ACC), Washington DC., June 2013
IEEE Xplore
14. Sohn, K., Oh, P.Y., “2-Tier Control of a Humanoid Robot and Use of Sign Language Learned by Monte Carlo Method,” IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Jeju Island, Korea, August 2013
IEEE Xplore
1. Korpela, C,. Orsag, M., Danko, T., Kobe, B., McNeil, C., Pisch, R., Oh, P.Y., “Flight Stability in Aerial Redundant Manipulators,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, MN, USA, May 2012
IEEE Xplore
2. Lynch, K., Lofaro, D., Oh, P.Y., “A n-Dimensional Convex Hull Approach for Fault Detection and Mitigation for High Degree of Freedom Humanoid Robots,” 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 2012
IEEE Xplore
3. Lofaro, D., Ellenberg, R., Oh, P.Y., Oh, J.H., “Humanoid Throwing: Design of Collision-Free Trajectories with Sparse Reachable Maps,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robotics (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, Oct. 2012
IEEE Xplore
4. Lofaro, D., Sun, C., Oh, P.Y., “Humanoid Pitching at a Major League Baseball Game: Challenges, Approach, Implementation and Lessons Learned,” IEEE International Conference on Humanoids, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2012
IEEE Xplore
5. Sohn, K., Krishnamoorth, S., Lewis, M.A., Oh, P.Y., “Giving Robots a Flexible Persona: The five factor model of Artificial Personality in Action,” 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 2012
IEEE Xplore
6. Sohn, K., Oh, P.Y., “Applying Human Motion Capture to Design Energy-Efficient Trajectories for Miniature Humanoids,” IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robotics (IROS), Vilamoura, Portugal, Oct. 2012
IEEE Xplore
1. Castley, D., Oh, P.Y., “Development and Application of a Gel Actuator for the Design of a Humanoid Robotic Finger”, IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TEPRA), Woburn, MA, April 2011
IEEE Xplore
2. Kim, Y.M., Batula, A.M., Grunberg, D., Lofaro, D., Oh, J.H., Oh, P.Y., “Enabling Humanoid Musical Interaction and Performance”, International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, Philadelphia, PA, May 2011
IEEE Xplore
3. Sherbert, R., Oh, P.Y., “Conductor: A Controller Development Framework for High Degree of Freedom Systems”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Sept 2011
IEEE Xplore
1996 - 2010
1. Hing, J., “An Indoor Study to Evaluate A Mixed-Reality Interface For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in Near Earth Environments”, Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS), Baltimore, MD, Sept 2010
Semantic Scholar
2. Ellenberg, R., Sherbert, R., Oh, P.Y., Alspach, A., Gross, R.J., Oh, J.H., “A Common Interface for Humanoid Simulation and Hardware”, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nashville, TN, pp. 587-592, Dec. 2010
IEEE Xplore
3. Jun, Y.B., Ellenberg, R., Oh, P.Y., “Realization of Miniature Humanoid for Obstacle Avoidance with Real-Time ZMP Preview Control Used for Full-Sized Humanoid”, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Nashville, TN, pp. 46-51, Dec. 2010
IEEE Xplore
4. Castley, D., Oh, P.Y., “Introduction of a Gel Actuator for Use in the Design of a Humanoid Robotic Finger”, International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS), Orlando, FL, March 2010
1. Hing, J., Oh, P.Y., “Development and Evaluation of a Chase View for UAV Operations in Cluttered Environments”, International Symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Reno, NV, June 8-10, 2009
2. Ellenberg, R., Grunberg, D., Oh, P., and Y. Kim, “Creating an Autonomous Dancing Robot,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), August, 2009
3. Hing, J., Sevcik, K., Oh, P.Y., “Improving Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot Training and Operation for Flying in Cluttered Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), St. Louis, MO, pp. 5641-5646.Oct. 10-15, 2009
IEEE Xplore
4. Ellenberg, R., Grunberg, D., Kim, Y.M., Oh, P.Y., “Using Miniature Humanoids as Surrogate Research Platforms”, IEEE Humanoids Conference, Paris, France, pp. 175-180, Dec. 2009
IEEE Xplore
5. Sevcik, K., Oh, P.Y., “Exploring the Effect of Obscurants on Safe Landing Zone”, International Symposium on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Reno, NV, June 8-10, 2009
1. Sevcik, K.W., Oh. P.Y., “Testing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Missions in a Scaled Environment”, UAV’08, Orlando, FL, June 2008
2. Hing, J., Oh, P. Y., “Integrating Motion Platforms with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to improve control, train pilots and minimize accidents”, UAV’08, Orlando, FL, June 2008
1. Sevcik, K.W., Oh, P.Y., “Designing aerial robot sensor suites to account for obscurants”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Diego, CA, pp. 1582-1587, Oct 2007
IEEE Xplore
2. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “A Dual–Flight Mode MAV for Situational Awareness and Search–and–Rescue in Near–Earth Environments”, Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI), Boston, MA, August 2007
IEEE Xplore
1. Narli, V., Oh, P.Y., “Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Rig for Designing Near-Earth Aerial Robots”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Orlando, FL pp. 2509-2514, May 2006
IEEE Xplore
2. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “Autonomous Hovering of a Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicle”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Orlando, FL pp. 2164-2169, May 2006
IEEE Xplore
3. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “A Fixed-Wing Aircraft for Hovering in Caves, Tunnels, and Buildings”, American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 1092-1097, June 2006
IEEE Xplore
4. Keith W. Sevcik, Shreyansh Shah, Jason Collins, Andrew Moran, Robert Ellenberg, Michael Perreca, Paul Y. Oh, "Project DIAS: Drexel’s Integrated ATV System", American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) , Boston MA, July 2006
Semantic Scholar
1. Sevcik, K.W., Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “Exploring Search-And-Rescue in Near-Earth Environments for Aerial Robots”, ASME/IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Monterey, CA, pp. 693-698, July 2005
IEEE Xplore
2. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., “A MAV That Flies Like an Airplane and Hovers Like a Helicopter”, ASME/IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Monterey, CA, July 2005
IEEE Xplore
3. Green, W.E., Sevcik, K.W., Oh, P.Y., “A Competition to Identify Key Challenges for Unmanned Aerial Robots in Near-Earth Environments”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Seattle, WA, July 2005
IEEE Xplore
4. Oh, P.Y., Joyce, M., Gallagher, J., “Designing an Aerial Robot for Hover-and-Stare Surveillance”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Seattle, WA, July 2005
IEEE Xplore
5. Stanciu, R.I., Oh, P.Y., “Feedforward-Output Tracking Regulation Control For Human-in-the-Loop Camera Systems“, American Control Conference (ACC), Portland, OR, June 2005
IEEE Xplore
1. Oh, P.Y., Green, W.E., Barrows, G., “Neural Nets and Optic Flow for Autonomous Micro-Air-Vehicle Navigation”, ASME Int. Mech. Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Anaheim, CA, Vol. 2, pp. 1-7, November 2004
Semantic Scholar
2. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., Barrows, G., “Flying Insect Inspired Vision for Autonomous Aerial Robot Maneuvers in Near-Earth Environments,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), New Orleans, Volume 1, pp. 2347-2352, Apr. 2004
IEEE Xplore
3. Stanciu, R.I., Oh, P.Y., “Feed-forward Control for Human-in-the-Loop Camera Systems,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), New Orleans, Volume 1, pp. 1-6, Apr. 2004
IEEE Xplore
1. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., Barrows, G., Sevcik, K., "Autonomous Landing for Indoor Flying Robots Using Optic Flow", ASME Int. Mech. Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Washington, D.C., 1347-1352, November 2003
2. Oh, P., Green, B., “A Kite and Teleoperated Vision System for Acquiring Aerial Images”, IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1404-1409, September 2003
IEEE Xplore
3. Green, W.E., Oh, P.Y., Yoon, S. "An Aerial Image Acquisition and Distribution System for Situational Awareness", ASME Int. Mech. Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Washington, D.C., pp. pp. pp. 1341-1346, November 2003
4. Stanciu, R., Oh, P.Y., “Human-in- the-Loop Visually Servoed Tracking”, Int. Conf. on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT), V5, pp. 318-323, Orlando, FL, July 2003
5. Shah, B., Oh, P., “Biomimetic Visual Servoing Using a Partitioned Control Scheme”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT '03, pp. 308-313, Orlando, FL., July 2003
1. Stanciu, R., Oh, P., “Design of a Visually Servoed Broadcast Boom Arm to Augmented Human Tracking Performance”, IEEE Int. Conf on Intelligent Systems and Robotics (IROS), Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 342-347, October 2002
IEEE Xplore
1. Oh, P., Allen, P.K., “Joint-coupled Compensation in Visually Servoed Tracking,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) San Francisco, CA, V3 pp. 2094-2099, May 2000
IEEE Xplore
1. Oh. P., Allen, P.K., “Performance of a Partitioned Visual Feedback System,” IEEE Int. Con. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Detroit, Michigan, pp. 275-281, May 1999
IEEE Xplore
1. Oh, P., Allen, P.K., “Design of Partitioned Visual Feedback System,” IEEE Int. Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 1360-1365, May 1998
IEEE Xplore
1. Allen, P.K., Miller, A., Oh, P., Leibowitz, B., “Using Tactile and Visual Sensing with a Robotic Hand," IEEE In. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Albuquerque, NM, pp. 676-681, May 1997
IEEE Xplore
1. Allen, P.K., Miller, A., Oh, P., Leibowitz, B., “Integration of Vision and Force Sensors for Grasping,” IEEE Int. Conference on Multi-sensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Washington, DC, pp. 349-356, May 1996
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Navigation and Path Planning
Path Planning
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- Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search (2023)
- BFS and DFS Implementation
- BFS and DFS Implementation (2023)
- Potential Fields
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- Robotino Potential Field and Breadth First Demos
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- Inverse Kinematics solver using damped least squares method in Cpp and Matlab
- Image Based Visual Servoing - DASL Serial Arm (Dynamixel Servo + Flea3 Camera)
Computer Vision using Kinect Sensor
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- Balancing Bot Tutorial
- Introduction to MRAC
- Pneumatic Inverted Pendulum
- Rotary Inverted Pendulum
- DASL Gantry
- LEGO Rotary Inverted Pendulum Ver. 2.0
- Damped Compound Pendulum (DCP)
- Example of Matlab Simscape Multibody
DASL Mechatronics
- Analog-In / Digital-Out (Potentiometer and LEDs)
- NXT Sensor-In / Digital-Out (Microphone and LEDs)
- NXTway, Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Gyro Sensor
- Ball and Beam
- Acceleration Controlled Gimbal
Independent Study - Joao Matos
Automatic Controls - Inverted Pendulum
Independent Study - Jadin Tredup
Pneumatics and Motion Controls
Control Course - DONGBIN KIM
Single Degree of Freedom Ball Balancing
Class 1 Material
Class 2 Material
Class 3 Material
-Class3 Tutorial Code 1
-Class3 Tutorial Code 2
Class 4 Material
C Programming Tutorials
C Tutorial
- C Programming Course
- Fast track to PIC Programming
- Ultrasonic Sensor Control of Servo
- Infrared Sensor Control of Servo
- Joystick Input in DOS
- Joystick Input in Windows
- Encoding and Decoding with the Motorla MC145026/28
- PIC 16F84 Voice Coil Control
- PWM signal generation using PIC 16F84
- Building a geiger counter
- Beginner's Guide to Crossbow Motes
TCP & UDP Communications
Using the Maxwell Pro for Degraded Communications
Fabrication: 3D Printing, CNC Machining, Laser Cutting, and Screenprinting
- DASL@UNLV 3D Printer Information
- How to set up Octoprint with Octoprint Deploy
- How to use the DASL 3D Printers
- DASL Robo3D Printer manual with PC
- CNC hot-wire foam-cutter
- DASL 131 CNC Machining Course
- Building the RoboNova Legs
- Balsa Wood Glider
CNC Tormach PCNC 1100
- CNC "Setting up" Tutorial 0
- CNC "Hello World" Tutorial 1
- Diary
Laser Cutting
- Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36x24 Intro and Quick Start
- Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36x24 Rotary Attachment
- Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36x24 Vector Cutting with Solidworks and InkScape
- Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36x24 Etching Stainless Steel
- Full Spectrum Laser Pro 36x24 3D Etching
- CNC Laser Cutter Crash Course Tutorial
- How To Laser cut Your name in Wood
- Laser cutting a name plate
- Balsa Wood Glider
Screen Printing
- Printing a T-shirt
- Screen Printing the DASL Logo
- Making the Frame of Silkscreen
2D / 3D Modeling
3D modeling using 2D slices
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Machine Learning Basic
- Basic theory of Generative Adversarial Networks
Natural Language Understanding
- Amazon Echo Tutorials
- Google Smart Home Tutorials
Hobby Projects
Drexel STAR
- CubeX 3D Printer Tutorial
- Beginner's Tutorial for your CubeX 3D Printer
- Beginner's Tutorial for your ASUS 3D Scanner
- Baja Buggie Tutorial
- IR Camera Trigger Tutorial
- Small DC Motor Pwm Speed Controller
Screen printing
- How to screen print DASL logo
Laser cutting
- Laser cutting a name plate
Sewing Machine
- Introduction of Sewing machine
- How to make a chair cover
Electronics Projects
- Light Show in a Box
- Light-Up PVC Speakers
- CNC Laser Cutter Crash Course Tutorial
- Intel Edison Light Bulb turn on with Android device
Carpentry Projects
Rok Bak Chair
Road Case Tutorial
Gear VR
- Build developing environment for Gear VR under the Unreal Engine 4
- Gear VR Project Creation
- Gear VR Project Packaging and Execute App at the Real Device
- Using Joystick with Gear VR
- gearvr_.docx
- EASYSTAR R/C Airplane Restoration
- Robust R/C tailless fixed-wing airplane
Restoring Hubo
- Restoring Hubo
UAV Training Program
Training Program for Future DASL Members
General UAV Research
- EASYSTAR R/C Airplane Restoration
- Robust R/C tailless fixed-wing airplane
- Co-axial Helicopter with IR Elevation Control
- Zagi Tutorials
- An Introductory Guide for Operating Radio Controlled Helicopters
Fixed Wing UAV
- Dubins Path Planning on Fixed Wing
- MM-UAV Arm Assembly
- MM-UAV Arm Bluetooth Operation
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Platforms
- Quadcopter platforms
- Hexacopter platforms
Motion Capture with Optitrack
Optitrack Mo-cap system manual
Humanoid Platforms
- Darwin OP
- Hubo
- Jaemi HUBO
- Lua for miniHUBO
- Robonova Tutorials
- Avatar-Furo Tutorials
- Avatar Darwin Tutorial
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Platforms
- Quadcopter platforms
- Hexacopter platforms
- Co-axial Helicopter with IR Elevation Control
- Zagi Tutorials
Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Platforms
- How to setup Robotino for programming and navigation
- Magic Carpet PTV build process
- Lego PacBot Project
- Haaga: Robotic Street Sweeper
- Ventilation Ducting Navigator
- Robotino Operation
- Rotorcraft Tutorials
- Kairos Tutorials
Manipulator Platforms
- RB5 Tutorials
- RB5 Advanced Programming
- RB5 Using External Device
- RB5 Admittance Control
- ROS Beginner's Notes
- Hello GUI for ROS
- Flyduino ROS Package
Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UGV) Research
- How to setup Robotino for programming and navigation
- Magic Carpet PTV build process
- Lego PacBot Project
- Haaga: Robotic Street Sweeper
- Ventilation Ducting Navigator
- Robotino Operation
- Rotorcraft Tutorials
Autonomous Vehicle Research
- Remote Control Personal Tracked Vehicle
- Polaris Introduction
Lego Mechanisms
NXT LEGO Machines & Mechanisms
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 1-50
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 51-100
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 101-150
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 151-200
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 201-250
- NXT Machines and Mechanisms 251-300
LEGO Simple Machines
- Simple Machines Page 1-50
- XL-320 LEGO Machines & Mechanisms
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 1-50
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 51-100
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 101-150
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 151-200
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 201-250
- XL 320 Machines and Mechanisms 251-300
NXT LEGO Solidworks Tutorials
- Tutorial 1 (Simple) Basic assebmly, animation, creating instructions & uploading
- Tutorial 2 (Intermediate) Rack & pinion, mirror function, creating a new piece
- Tutorial 3 (Advanced) Belts, chains, links
Lego Motion Analysis Tutorial
- Motion Analysis of Lego Pieces
Lego NXT
LEGO NXT Mechatronics
- Analog-In / Digital-Out (Potentiometer and LEDs)
- NXT Sensor-In / Digital-Out (Microphone and LEDs)
- NXTway, Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Gyro Sensor
- Ball and Beam
- Acceleration Controlled Gimbal
- LegoVision
- Lego Ball and Beam v2
- NXT Digital I/O Board
- NXT Digital Input
- Stepper Motor Theory and Direction/Speed/Displacement Control
- Using the Stepper Motor with LEGO NXT (Option 1)
- Using the Stepper Motor with LEGO NXT (Option 2)
- Mindsensors Crimping Tool / Crimper
- Communication between LEGO NXT and Computer using RS-485 communications.
- Controlling Dynamixel Motor RX-28 over RS-485 protocol With a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT.
- Get data from Optical Sensor and Display in LIGO NXT.
LEGO NXT Research
- NxtCam-v4
- Automatic Controls - Inverted Pendulum
- Pneumatics and Motion Controls
- NXT Bluetooth Tutorial
- Dexter GPS sensor
- Bluetooth Communication with NXT
- Indoor Potential Field Navigation using AR Toolkit
- Kinematic Analysis of 4 Bar Mechanism with LEGOs (Theoretical and Experimental)
- LEGO NXT Teleoperation Introduction
- NXT Automation Implementation
- NXT Automation Alternative & Practical Implementations
Lego PacBot Project
- LabVIEW Basic Elements
- LabVIEW and NXT Sensors
- Pendulum pre report
- Pendulum final report
Vision Sensors
- Using Microsoft Kinect (OpenNI) with OpenCV Cpp
- Optitrack Mo-cap system manual
- Optitrack Motion Capture System Setup Guide
- Building a Webcam-based Laser Rangefinder
- Using ROS to read data from a Hokuyo scanning laser rangefinder
- DRC Hubo Hokuyo Scan
- SICK LMS200 with MATLAB and Serial Terminal
- Riegl Laser Scanner Tutorial
- Homebrew Omnicam Tutorial
- Use of Centeye Optic Flow Sensor
- Interfacing with the Sick LMS-200 finder
- LIDAR on E-Maxx for SLAM
- Performing Scans with the Riegl LMS-Z210
Other Sensors
- Dexter GPS Sensor for NXT
- Syntouch NumaTac Sensor Setup
- Syntouch NumaTac Sensor "Hello World" (IN-PROGRESS)
- 3D System's Touch Haptic Device
- DASL Gantry(Drexel Era)
UNLV Gantry Proejct
- DASL Gantry for IoT(UNLV)
- Robotino Arm Control
- HDT MK2 Arm
- How to Assign reference frames on the HDT Arm with Denavit-Hartenberg notation
- MM-UAV Arm Assembly
- MM-UAV Arm Bluetooth Operation
Robotis Manipulator
- The Robotis Manipulator
Vision Based Control
- Robotic Manipulators Basics
- Inverse Kinematics solver using damped least squares method in Cpp and Matlab
- Image Based Visual Servoing - DASL Serial Arm (Dynamixel Servo + Flea3 Camera)
Soft Robotics & Materials
Soft Robotics
- How The Pros Replicate Objects
- The science behind the art of prop making
- Soft Quadruped Robot
Virtual/Augmented Reality
Crash Course In Unity
- Getting Started
- Learning the Language of Unity - C-Sharp
- Advanced Unity Programming Concepts
- Introduction to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Varjo XR3 Introduction
- Quantum Meta-Gloves Introduction
- Using ROS and Unity
- Home
Hardware/Framework Setup
- Reading data from a Hokuyo LiDAR using ROS2
Index (A-Z)
Expand for Index
- 3D Modeling using 2D Slices
- 3D Computer Vision
- Acceleration Controlled Gimbal
- Adding Tutorials to the DASLHub
- An Introductory Guide for Operating Radio Controlled Helicopters
- AR.Drone QuadRotor Tutorials
- Arena Construction for PFNav
- ARToolkit
- Automatic Controls - Inverted Pendulum
- Baja Buggie Tutorial
- Balancing Bot Tutorial
- Ball and Beam
- Beginner's Guide to Crossbow Motes
- Beginner's Tutorial for your ASUS 3D Scanner
- Beginner's Tutorial for your CubeX 3D Printer
- BFS & DFS Implementation
- Breadth-first & Depth-first Search
- Build Development Environment for Gear VR in Unreal Engine 4
- Building a geiger counter
- Building a Webcam-based Laser Rangefinder
- Building an FPV Quadrotor
- Building the RoboNova Legs
- C Midterm Exam
- C Programming Course
- CNC Hot-Wire Foam Cutter
- CNC Laser Cutter Tutorial
- Co-axial Helicopter with IR Elevation Control
- CubeX 3D Printer Tutorial
- Darwin-OP
- Darwin-OP Door Opening
- Darwin-OP Simulation on Webots and DRC-Sim(Gazebo)
- DASL@UNLV 3D Printer Information
- DASL 131 CNC Machining Course
- DASL Gantry
- Dexter GPS Sensor for NXT
- DRC-HUBO Helmet Design
- DRC-HUBO Hardware Setup
- DRC-HUBO Simulator Operation
- DRC-HUBO Software Installation
- DRC-HUBO Testing
- EASYSTAR R/C Airplane Restoration
- Encoding and Decoding with the Motorola MC145026/28
- Fast track to PIC Programming
- Flyduino ROS Package
- FPV Beyond Line of Sight
- Futaba Transmitter & Receiver
- Gazebo & ROS Integration
- Gear VR Notes
- Gear VR Project Creation in Unreal Engine 4
- Gear VR Project Packaging and Execution on a Device (Note 4)
- Getting Started With FPV
- Gundam Darwin Design
- Haaga ACR
- Hello GUI for ROS
- Hokuyo LIDAR with ROS
- Homebrew Omnicam Tutorial
- Humanoid Robotics Software Guide
- Impedance Control Tutorial
- Infrared Sensor Control of Servo
- Intel Edison IoT Light Bulb
- Interfacing with the Sick LMS-200 finder
- Introduction to MRAC
- Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Manipulators
- IQeye Tutorial
- IR Camera Trigger Tutorial
- Jaemi HUBO
- Jaemi HUBO Resources
- Joystick Input in DOS
- Joystick Input in Windows
- KAIST IRES 2016 Logs
- Kinematic Analysis of 4 Bar Mechanism with LEGOs (Theoretical and Experimental)
- Korea Trip Summer 2015
- LabVIEW and NXT Sensors
- LabVIEW Basic Elements
- Laser Cutting a Nameplate
- LED Light-up PVC Speakers
- LED Light Show in a Box
- Lego NXT Pacbot
- LegoVision
- Lego Ball and Beam v2
- LIDAR on E-Maxx for SLAM
- Lua for miniHUBO
- Machines and Mechanisms 1-50
- Machines and Mechanisms 51-100
- Machines and Mechanisms 101-150
- Machines and Mechanisms 151-200
- Machines and Mechanisms 201-250
- Machines and Mechanisms 251-300
- Magic Carpet PTV
- Making Darwin-OP Walk
- Making Darwin-OP Wave
- Maxwell Pro Degraded Communications Emulator
- Mechatronics: Analog-In/Digital-Out (Potentiometer and LEDs)
- Mechatronics: NXT Sensor-In/Digital-Out (Microphone and LEDs)
- Microsoft Kinect with OpenCV
- MM-UAV Arm Bluetooth Operation
- MM-UAV Arms Assembly
- NetVision360 Tutorial
- NI Vision Assistant
- NI Vision Image Acquisition
- NI Vision Image Overlays
- NI Vision Pattern Recognition
- NI Vision Setup
- Novatel GPS Tutorial
- NXTcam
- NXT Bluetooth Communication
- NXTway, Wheeled Inverted Pendulum with Gyro Sensor
- NXT Bluetooth Tutorial
- NXT Digital Input
- NXT Digital I/O Board
- OpenCV Installation
- OpenCV Tutorials
- OpenCV Tutorials
- Optitrack Motion Capture
- Performing Scans with the Riegl LMS-Z210
- PFNav with ARToolkit & NXT
- PIC 16F84 Voice Coil Control
- Pneumatics and Motion Controls
- Potential Fields Lecture Notes
- PWM signal generation using PIC 16F84
- Riegl Laser Scanner Tutorial
- Robonova
- Robotic Manipulator Basics
- Robotino Arm Control
- Robotino Object Seeking
- Robotino Operation
- Robotino Potential Field Navigator With Object Pickup
- Robotino Setup
- Robotino SLAM
- Robotino Vision Pickup
- Rok Bak Chair
- Robust R/C Tailless Fixed-Wing Airplane
- ROS Beginner's Notes
- Rotorcraft Tutorials
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- SLAM Lectures
- Small DC Motor Pwm Speed Controller
- Stepper Motor Theory and Direction/Speed/Displacement Control
- Soft Robotics Tutorials
- Tarot X6 960mm
- TCP & UDP Communications
- Tutorial Template
- UAV Training Program
- Ultrasonic Sensor Control of Servo
- Use of Centeye Optic Flow Sensor
- Using Joystick with Gear VR
- Using the Darwin-OP
- Using the Stepper Motor with LEGO NXT (Option 1)
- Using the Stepper Motor with LEGO NXT (Option 2)
- Ventilation Ducting Navigator
- Visual Servoing with a Robotic Manipulator
- Voronoi Tutorial
- Zagi Tutorials
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