Isogawa's LEGO Power Functions Idea Book Machines and Mechanism Volume 1 (201-250)
Author: Paul Oh Email:
Creator: Joo Won Lee Email:
Date: Last modified on 03/16/19
Keywords: Isogawa, LEGO, Power Functions, Mechanisms, Build Plans, Solid Works
In 2015, No Starch Press published Yoshihito Isogawa's “The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book” with Volume 1 being on Machines and Mechanisms. Like his previous books, this one features a LEGO parts list and photos of his creations. The set of photos capture key viewing angles. By careful examination, one can recreate his builds.
Unlike a traditional step-by-step LEGO build plan, Isogawa's photo-based approach often demands power of observation. This has merit; studying the photos requires one to reflect on steps. This leads to better appreciation of part selection, connections, and positioning. Through practice, one can eventually master their own LEGO building skills and the goal of his books.
Step-by-step build plans can also help develop one's skills. By contrast, such plans reduce build time and thus has merit. Videos of the mechanisms in action would also be useful; one can decide to build or not. Lastly, CAD-based construction (e.g. Solidworks) allows one to construct the LEGO mechanisms virtually. The net effect is that this page uses Isogawa's book as a reference, but features step-by-step build plans, videos, and Solidworks models.