Table of Contents
Robotino Operation
This Page will be used to catalog the efforts of Kris Krasnosky to understand the operation of the Robotino robotics platform. This tutorial covers the basics of robotino operation.
For a more in depth study of Robotino Navigation please visit Robotic Navigation
Pages and Tutorials
Robotino Rectangle Tutorial: create your first real robotino program and learn to compile it
Robotino Potential Field Navigator With Object Pickup
Robotic Navigation Various robotic navigation techniques implemented on the robotino. Click for continued tutorials with the robotino.
11/14/2013: Robotino Potential Field Navigator With Object Pickup created
10/29/2013: Robotino Object Seeking
10/27/2013: Robotino Vision Pickup
10/16/2013: Robotino Arm Control
10/8/2013: Robotino Rectangle Tutorial created
10/5/2013: Robotino API2_Setup and Hello World on the Robotino page created
9/29/2013: Robotino Operation page created.
Week 01: Establish web page. Start gathering Robotino hardware and software
Week 02: Write “Hello World” tutorial for operating the Robotino
Week 03: Write tutorial for Robotino to move in a rectangle of X,Y meters · User should specify desired X,Y coordinates. Use Robotino’s wheel encoders for feedback
Week 04: Write tutorial for Robotino’s manipulator to pick up a known object in a known location · Can use open-loop for this.
Week 05: Write tutorial for Robotino’s manipulator to pick up a known object in an unknown location · Will likely need computer vision to servo the arm to the object
Week 06: Write tutorial for Robotino to move towards known object and pick it up (i.e. combines elements of Tutorials Weeks 3, 4, and 5)
Week 07: Implement Potential Field navigation
Week 08: Write tutorial on Robotino navigating through obstacles (in known locations), to pick up object in goal area, and drop in box next to object