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Author:<Gayeon Lee> Email:
Author:<Son T. Tran> Email:
Last modified: Thursday, November 19th 2021, 2:30 pm Keywords:<Furo, Future Robotics, Service Robot>
Motivation and Audience
Eventually, all parties must come to an end. My peer mentor, Gayeon Lee from Korea University of Aerospace (KAU) is about to depart from UNLV Drones and Autonomous System Lab to head back to S.Korea and finish up her remaining courses as an undergraduate. Before then, Gayeon and I will be working together to embrace the idea of transferring of knowledge. Transferring what she has learned so far, what she has done so far on DASL’s Robot Furo and ultimately evolve Furo into Avatar-Furo; at the very least, that is the objective of this transfer of knowledge.
*Avatar-Hubo knowledge (e.g VR headset & mobility) ported to Furo
*Replace existing arms with ones suitable for an Avatar - Furo
*Vision system (i.e. OpenCV libraries) for simple tasks like color, facial, counting tasks
*24/7 Operation, Fully re-assembled, Animated Face, Plays music & Lab Videos
*Sense and greets person
*Wiring fully labeled
*DASL Wiki tutorials related to above!!! *LET'S DO THIS*