ME 425/625 is an undergrad/graduate (senior/masters) level course introducing robotics.
This course will use the LEGO NXT Brick (i.e. a computer) and NxC programming language
with motors and sensors (i.e. control). The overall objective is to expose students to
the underlying mechanisms, electronics and algorithms needed to broadly appreciate
the field of robotics.
Academic Policies Page
Week 01 - 08/26/24
Week 02 - 09/02/24
Topic: Labor Day - UNLV Holiday No Class
Week 03 - 09/09/24
Topic: Simple Machines I: Levers, Shafts and Cranks
Lecture Slides:
Levers, Shafts and Cranks PDF
Lab Slides:
Complete part count in your Mindstorms Kit - fill out Google sheet no later than 09/16/24 or be accountable for lost parts: NXT Inventory XLS
List of Technic Parts from Lugnet: PDF | Lugnet Web Site URL
Week 04 - 09/16/24
Topic: Simple Machines II: Cams, Springs and Linkages
Lecture Slides:
Cams, Springs and Linkages PDF
Lego NXT Domabot Line Following Part 1 (Bang-Bang) (PDF)
Lab Slides:
Lego Cams, Springs and Linkages PDF
Tutorial: NxC Programming of Light sensor
Sample Code:
Homework: Concepts, Construction and Programming (due next week; email PDF) homeworkCranksCamsLinkages-020623a.pdf Updated 02/06/23
Week 05 - 09/21/24
Topic: Simple Machines III: Ratchets, Drives and Gearing
Week 06 - 09/30/24
Topic: Project 1 Relay Race Semi-Finals Product Design Review (PDR) - No Lecture; Team workday
Week 07 - 10/07/24
Topic: Project 1 Relay Race Semi-Finals Day
Robot Ethics: YouTube (7-min) : IEEE "How to Build a Moral Robot"
Note: Mid-term next week
Week 08 - 10/14/24
Topic: Mid-term
Bring Mindstorms Kit and Laptop; it's needed for Mid-term Part 2 (Hands-on)
Week 09 - 10/21/24
Topic: DC Motors and Step Response
Robot Ethics: YouTube (4-min) FW Think: "Could You Fall in Love With a Robot?"
Lecture Slides:
Lab Slides:
Sample Code: (x^2File1.0.nxc) (Password protected. For Instructor Only). (stopWatch1_0a.nxc, stopWatch1_0b.nxc) (Password protected. For Instructor Only). (nxtMotorOlsr1_0.nxc) (Password protected. For Instructor Only).
Week 10 - 10/28/24
Topic: Path-Planning (Mazes) Part 1: Wall-Following
Domabot solves maze - motivating example
Robot Ethics: YouTube Making peace with the robots
Lecture Slides: Wall-Following Bang-bang and PID control
Lab Slides:
Wall Following PID: labBricxxWallFollowingPid-102922a.pdf
(Kp, Ki, Kd) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) YouTube Video i.e. Bang-Bang
(Kp, Ki, Kd) = (1.5, 0.0, 0.0) YouTube Video i.e. Proportional Small
(Kp, Ki, Kd) = (5.0, 0.0, 0.0) YouTube Video i.e. Proportional Medium
(Kp, Ki, Kd) = (15.0, 0.0, 0.0) YouTube Video i.e. Proportional Large
Domabot with portside (left) and bowside (front) ultrasonic sensors: Step-by-Step Build Instructions (PDF)
Sample code: (wfPid1_0a.nxc, wfPidFile1_0a..nxc) (Password protected. For Instructor Only).
Week 11 - 11/04/24
Topic: Path-Planning (Mazes) Part 2: Obstacle-Avoidance
Domabot Avoids Obstacles - Motivating Example
Robot Ethics: YouTube (2.5 min) VOA News: "Robots 'Eat' Millions of Manufacturing Jobs"
Lab Slides:
Source Code: oaPid1_0a.nxc (Password protected. For Instructor Only).
Project 2
Robot Relay Race Finals Rules Version 2.0
Finals Notional Arena Layout
Week 12 - 11/11/24
Topic: Veterans Day - UNLV Holiday No Class
Week 13 - 11/18/24
Topic: Electronics: Robot Sensing, Actuation and Communication
Teams demonstrate can navigate Everblock maze
Robot Ethics: YouTube (4-min) FW Think: "Could You Fall in Love With a Robot?"
Lecture Slides:
Numbering Systems PDF
Communications (PDF)
Lab Slides:
Sample Code ohm1_0.nxc, touch1_0.nxc, volt1_0.nxc (Password protected. For Instructor Only). 485*.nxc, bt*.nxc, protocol0_2a.h (Password protected. For Instructor Only).
Week 14 - 11/25/24
Topic: Project 2 Finals PDR and Practice
No Lecture Teams demostrate PDR; Team Captains Meeting; and Teams work on Finals
Robot Ethics: YouTube "Bill Gates thinks we should tax the robot that takes your job"
Week 15 (Study Week) - 12/02/24
Topic: Robot Relay Race Finals
Lecture: Closing Remarks
Things to do
Final Exam next week (12/09/24)
Student Course Evaluation (see your RebelMail)
Return LEGO Mindstorms kit (please note name/quantity of missing parts)
Lego Education Kit 9797 Parts List PDF
Complete on-line XLS sheet for NXT kit inventory Return List
Week 16 - 12/09/24
Topic: Finals
Things to do
Return Brick, cables, USB cable
Return Electronics tackle kit and contents