Table of Contents
Multirotor Flight Class
Author: Leonardo Georgescu Email: georgl3@unlv.nevada.edu
Date: Last modified on 11/27/2020
Keywords: UAV, Drone, Drone Class, Dynamics.
Must pass each ranking before advancement to the next ranking
Week 1: Airman Basic
Lecture - week1_-_intro.pdf
Homework - week_1_homework.pdf
Week 2: Airman
Week 3: Sergeant
Lecture - 1st Flight Lesson #4
Week 4: Lieutenant
Lecture - 2nd Flight Lesson #5
Week 5: Captain
Lecture - 3rd Flight Lesson #6
Week 6: Major
Lecture - 4th Flight Lesson #7
Week 7: Colonel
Lecture - 5th Flight Lesson #8
Week 8: Brigadier General
Lecture - 6th Flight Lesson #9
Test - Create and fly complex multi-waypoint missions
Certified sUAS pilot under 14 CFR part 107
drone_class.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/27 18:48 by leogeorgescu