Table of Contents
Telerobotics Annotated Bibliography
Author: Dylan Wallace Email:
Date: Last modified on 05/09/17
Keywords: Communications, Teleoperation, Networks, Fitt's Law, Time Delay
Annotated References
1. A Tele-operated Humanoid Drives a Lift Truck
Publisher: 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Keywords: Humanoids, telerobotics, tele-operation, virtual reality
Hasunuma, H., Kobayashi, M., Moriyama, H., Itoko, T., Yanagihara, Y., Ueno, T., Ohya, K., & Yokoil, K. (2002). A tele-operated humanoid robot drives a lift truck. In 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Washington D.C, USA: IEEE RAS. doi:10.1109/ROBOT.2002.1013566
This paper describes using a tele-operated humanoid to drive a fork lift. The authors present the motion platform & tele-operation set-up, as well as experimental results using the set-up. From this presentation, the paper concludes that the humanoid robot using construction machinery via tele-operation shows promise, but needs improvement in visual feedback, collision checking, and stair climbing.
From the state-of-the-art, the paper identifies challenges in automated machinery performance and flexibility. The paper addresses these challenges by introducing a tele-operated humanoid robot to remotely operate the construction machinery. The results of this approach are novel, showing that a humanoid robot can be used to operate construction machinery, as well as many other devices, giving them flexibility over traditional single-purpose automation.
The paper presents the following theoretical principles: tele-operation parameters & input/output. Little discussion was provided on the humanoid robot principles, however these were provided in some of the cited works.
The principles behind the tele-operation are explained fairly, however no specifics of equations or algorithms used are provided.
From the principles and results, the paper concludes that the humanoid robot operating the construction machinery is viable, with the following improvements: (1) Improved software for leg-control during stair climbing; (2) Software for checking the collisions between the robot & the machine, and also for collisions between the machine and the environment; and (3) Improved visual feedback, including zoom functionality for the on-board camera.
I liked this paper because: (1) it presents fundamental work toward utilizing a tele-operated for vehicle driving; (2) it utilized a motion and virtual reality platform for feedback; and (3) it provided comprehensive experimental results for all aspects of the tele-operation. However, I would have liked to see a better explanation of the underlying principles, and any equations used to tele-operate the humanoid.
Three things I learned from this paper were: (1) how important visual and physical feedback are for tele-operation; (2) how both macro and micro scale manipulation can be used with tele-operation; and (3) insight on how to translate master commands into slave operations.
2. Cooperative human-robot control based on Fitts' law
Publisher: Humanoids 2016
Keywords: Fitt's Law, Teleoperation, Haptics
Petric, T., Goljat, R., & Babic, J. (2016). Cooperative human-robot control based on Fitts' law. In 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots. Cancun, Mexico: IEEE-RAS. doi:10.1109/HUMANOIDS.2016.7803299
This paper describes a human operator working together with a haptic robot to control an object on a screen. The authors present theory of Fitt's law, the control algorithm, and experimental results of the cooperative control. From this presentation, the paper concludes that their control algorithm adapted properly, and quickly, demonstrating efficient cooperation with the human operator, and follows Fitt's Law.
From the state-of-the-art, the paper identifies challenges in a human cooperating with a robot without slowing the human down. The paper addresses these challenges by creating a control algorithm that allows the movement to be faster. The results of this approach are verified through the experiment, and novel due to the direct cooperation between the robot and the human.
The paper presents the following theoretical principles: (1) Fitt's Law for HCI; (2) Parameter tuning for each individual model; and (3) the control algorithm used to move the robot, using Dynamic Movement Primitives.
The principles are explained well. For example the equations given show the correct and thorough application of Fitt's Law and Dynamic Movement Primitives application of the principles.
From the principles and results, the paper concludes: (1) the control algorithm learns very quickly, even adapting within the first trial; (2) the models of the human and the robot converge after a few trials; (3) the models of all subject converge within standard deviation; and (4) all models adhere to Fitt's Law, demonstrating validity.
I liked this paper because: (1) it demonstrated the use of Fitt's Law in order to control a robot; (2) it utilized haptics in order for a robot and a human to cooperate on a manipulation task; and (3) extensive data was provided for all subjects, and the data demonstrated a positive adherence to the principles provided. I would have liked to see better explanation of the setup that physically linked the human operator and the haptic robot.
Three things I learned from this paper were: (1) how to utilize Fitt's Law for control and learning of cooperative manipulation; (2) how to utilize Dynamic Movement Primitives to calculate the trajectory and path of a robot; and (3) how to utilize haptics in order to increase cooperative control of a system.
3. Internet-Based Remote Teleoperation
Publisher: IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (1998)
Keywords: Teleoperation, Internet, network
Brady, K., & Tarn, T. (1998). Internet-based remote teleoperation. Belgium: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ROBOT.1998.676261
This paper describes utilizing the Internet to teleoperate robots over long-distance connections, by utilizing a predictive model of the robot and a state-space model for the delay. The authors present theory and experimental results. From this presentation, the paper concludes that the model of the robot is sufficient to deal with the delay in high-latency teleoperation.
From the state-of-the-art, the paper identifies challenges in in setting up network for communication, as they are specialized. The paper addresses these challenges by utilizing the Internet as the network for communication. The results of this approach are valid and novel.
The paper presents the following theoretical principles: (1) State space formulation of the delay; and (2) Time delay estimation.
The principles are explained well, and in detail. For example the equations for the state space formulation show the correct application of the principles.
From the principles and results, the paper concludes: (1) The predictive model is useful for unexpected circumstances during control; (2) the state space formulation works well under high-latency; and (3) .
I liked this paper because: (1) It utilized the Internet, a readily available resource, to control the robot; (2) It dealt with high-latency communications by switching from time delay to a state space model; and (3) It utilized a predictive model that accurately guided the operator throughout the heavily delayed control. However, I would have liked to see picture of their predictive model, and how it compared to the delayed image displayed on screen.
Three things I learned from this paper were: (1) How to estimate the time delay in a system; (2) How to utilize a state space model for high-latency control; and (3) How to keep effectively the human-in-the-loop, even with an autonomous and delayed system.
4. Space Teleoperation Through Time Delay: Review and Prognosis
Publisher: IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (Volume 9, Issue 5, Oct 1993)
Keywords: Time delay, high-latency, space robotics, teleoperation
Sheridan, T. (1993). Space teleoperation through time delay: review and prognosis. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 9(5), 592-606. doi:10.1109/70.258052
This paper describes (fill in the blank). The authors present (fill in the blank e.g. simulations, experiments, theory). From this presentation, the paper concludes that (fill in the blank).
From the state-of-the-art, the paper identifies challenges in (fill in the blank). The paper addresses these challenges by (fill in the blank). The results of this approach are (fill in the blank).
The paper presents the following theoretical principles: (1) (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank);…. ; and (n) (fill-in-the-blank).
The principles are explained (choose: well/fairly/poorly). For example (fill-in-the-blank e.g. the equations, graphs, figures) show the (choose: correct/questionable) application of the principles.
From the principles and results, the paper concludes: (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank);…. ; and (n) (fill-in-the-blank).
(Your Name) liked this paper because (fill-in-the-blank with at least 3 reasons if possible). I disliked this paper because (fill-in-the-blank); I would have liked to see (fill-in-the-blank).
Three things I learned from this paper were: (1) (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank); and (3) (fill-in-the-blank).
5. Bilateral controller for teleoperators with time delay via µ-synthesis
Publisher: IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (Volume 11, Issue 1, Feb 1995)
Keywords: bilateral control, teleoperation, time delay
Leung, G., Francis, B., & Apkarian, J. (1995). Bilateral controller for teleoperators with time delay via μ-synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 11(1), 105-116. doi:10.1109/70.345941
This paper describes (fill in the blank). The authors present (fill in the blank e.g. simulations, experiments, theory). From this presentation, the paper concludes that (fill in the blank).
From the state-of-the-art, the paper identifies challenges in (fill in the blank). The paper addresses these challenges by (fill in the blank). The results of this approach are (fill in the blank).
The paper presents the following theoretical principles: (1) (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank);…. ; and (n) (fill-in-the-blank).
The principles are explained (choose: well/fairly/poorly). For example (fill-in-the-blank e.g. the equations, graphs, figures) show the (choose: correct/questionable) application of the principles.
From the principles and results, the paper concludes: (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank);…. ; and (n) (fill-in-the-blank).
(Your Name) liked this paper because (fill-in-the-blank with at least 3 reasons if possible). I disliked this paper because (fill-in-the-blank); I would have liked to see (fill-in-the-blank).
Three things I learned from this paper were: (1) (fill-in-the-blank); (2) (fill-in-the-blank); and (3) (fill-in-the-blank).