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drexel_star_asus_scanner [2016/11/07 22:15] (current) – created dwallace
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 +====== Beginner's Tutorial for your ASUS 3D Scanner ======
 +<title>Beginner's Tutorial for your ASUS 3D Scanner</title>
 +<img src = "" align = "right" width = "300" height = "200">
 +The photo to the right depicts the ASUS Xtion PRO 3D scanner located in
 +the DASL lab.  The scanner works by sending out pulses of light and
 +recording how long it takes for the pulse to reflect back to the scanner.
 +A sensor picks up the pulse of light that reflects of an object and
 +determines the distance from the object by triangulation.  As the laser
 +reflects off the scanned object, the scanner can determine at what angle
 +the pulse is returning to the sensor.
 +The purpose of this tutorial is to give a quick run through on how to 
 +scan an object with the ASUS 3D scanner using Artec Studio 
 +so you can then scan your own part later and 3D print it!
 +<li><a href = "#Installing the 3D Scanning Softwre">Installing the 3D Scanning Software</a>
 +<li><a href = "#Scanning your Part">Scanning your Part</a>
 +<li><a href = "#Fixing Up your Scan">Fixing Up your Scan</a>
 +<li><a href = "#Exporting your Scan for Printing">Exporting your Scan for Printing</a>
 +<li><a href = "#Final Words">Final Words</a>
 +<a name = "Installing the 3D Scanning Software"></a>
 +<h3>Installing the 3D Scanning Software</h3>
 +<li>Note: If you have used a 3D Scanner before and have installed Artec
 +and the proper drivers on your computer, then you may skip this part.
 +3D Scanners collect immense amounts of data, so software like Artec 
 +or ReconstructMe are needed to process the data into something usable
 +that other software can handle.  This tutorial will use the Artec Studio
 +scanning software to scan an object and convert it into a CAD
 +model that can be printed later using a 3D printer.
 +Before installing
 +Artec, you will need to install the proper drivers to use the ASUS 
 +scanner.  OpenNI provides an open source software development kit (SDK) 
 +that includes all other 
 +software needed for this tutorial.
 +Note: Before you install anything, make sure your computer is updated
 +with the latest graphics driver.  You can download the latest one 
 +from the manufacturer's website.  For Artec, it is recommended that you
 +have AMD or Nvidia.
 +1. Download and install the <a href = "">OpenNI SDK</a>.
 +2. Download the <a href = "">Kinect Drivers</a>
 +and unzip.
 +3. Open the unzipped folder and navigate to the <b>Bin</b> folder.
 +Run the msi Windows file.
 +4. Download and install the <a href = "">OpenNI-Compliant Sensor Driver (NiTE)</a>.
 +5. Download and install the <a href = "">OpenNI-Compliant Sensor Driver</a>.
 +6. Plug in your ASUS scanner.  Wait until the driver software is
 +found and applied.  Navigate to the <b>Device Manager</b> through the 
 +Control Panel, and you should see that your computer has recognized the
 +<img src = "" width = "200" height = "50">
 +Now you have the proper drivers installed, you can try out the existing 
 +demo applications at <b><i>C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Samples\Bin\Release</b></i>.
 +7. Lastly, download and install Artec Studio from their main website <a href = "">here</a>.
 +This will require creating an account on the website from which you can
 +upload your scans for others to download.  Be sure to also save your
 +username and password because you will use them again later.
 +Note: During the installation, you will be asked if you want to 
 +install OpenNI 2 and additional drivers. <b>DO NOT install any more
 +drivers because you already installed the necessary drivers
 +to use ASUS.</b>
 +<a name = "Scanning your Part"></a>
 +<h3>Scanning your Part</h3>
 +Artec is a 3D scanning software with a user-friendly interface.
 +It is essential that you have updated your graphics driver because 
 +this program will really work your computer and use up a lt of your
 +CPU memory.
 +For this tutorial, the object that will be scanned is a computer
 +monitor, though you can feel free to scan whatever you wish as long as
 +you are able to scan the entire object completely.
 +1. To start scanning your part, click on the Artec Studio icon.
 +<img src = "" width = "100" height = "100">
 +2. Click "Scan" in the top-left corner of the screen.
 +<img src = "">
 +3. The Scan tab will appear on the left side of the screen.
 +Click on "Advanced" and be sure to check the "Don't record texture"
 +box.  Most computers will not be able to handle the textures, causing
 +the program to crash.  Better to be safe by leaving textures off for
 +<img src = "" width = "200" height = "500">
 +4. Click on the green "Preview" button to start the scanner.
 +On the screen you will see what the scanner sees.  Any blue area
 +represents what the scanner sees now in the preview.  The range and
 +frame rate at which the scanner scans can be adjusted in the Scan tab,
 +but for now, keep everything as is.
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +5. Click on the "Record" button to start the actual scanning process.
 +Parts of the image will turn green while the the rest will remain gray.
 +Green particles are parts of the image that are being recorded and
 +updated while gray particles are objects that were already recorded.
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +6. Slowly pan around the object, making sure you scan every side of it.
 +Be sure to scan slowly, because scanning too quickly will cause the 
 +scanner to lose track of the object's position, in which case, you will
 +have to stop the scan and try again.  When you are done, click the Stop
 +button to finish the scan.
 +<img src = "" width = "500" height = "300"><img src = "" align = "right" width = "500" height = "300">
 +8. When you are done, the scan should appear on the screen like so and
 +in the Workspace tab on the right side of the screen, the scan should be
 +called Scan1.  If you don't like how the scan looks, feel free to
 +delete this scan and perform another one.  This scan will later be 
 +polished and tidied up for exporting.
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +<a name = "Fixing Up your Scan"></a>
 +<h3>Fixing Up your Scan</h3>
 +Here you will clean up your scan to prepare it for exporting.  The scan
 +will be smoothed and the background will be removed leaving only the scan.
 +1. Click on the Tools button on the left side of the screen.  Doing so
 +will cause the scan to undergo Fine Serial Registration algorithm to
 +commence.  What this does is try to align some of the frames and 
 +rate the overall quality of the scan.  You can see this quality under
 +the Workspace tab.  Lower ranking means higher quality and higher ranking
 +means lower quality.  If the overall quality of the scan is greater 
 +3, you should probably do the scan again.
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +4. Click on Global Registration to commence the Global 
 +Registration algorithm.  What this does it it tries to align all the
 +individual frames that make the scan.  You will see a window that asks
 +if you want to switch to Geometric only registration.  Just click Yes
 +for this.
 +5. Click Fast Fusion under the Fusion section.  What fusion does, as
 +the name implies, is fuse the frames together to create a mesh of the
 +overall scan.  Fast Fusion does a quick mesh while Smooth Fusion and
 +Sharp Fusion produce preserve the finer parts of the scan like smooth 
 +and sharp edges.  Your mesh should look much cleaner and an item will
 +appear in the Workspace called Fast Fusion1.
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +6. Because we just want to just print the object, we will need to get
 +rid of the background.  On the left side of the screen, click Editor,
 +then Eraser.  These are the tools you will use to remove parts of the
 +scan we don't need.  To start erasing, simply hold down the Ctrl key
 +and the left mouse button to highlight parts in red.  Erase the
 +red parts by clicking on the Erase button.
 +<li><b>2D selection</b> allows for a 2D section of the scan to be erased.
 +<li><b>3D selection</b> allows for only the 3D surface of a scan to be
 +<li><b>Rectangular selection</b> allows for an entire portion of the scan
 +to be erased by highlighting that portion in a box.
 +<img src = "" width = "500" height = "300"><img src = "" align = "right" width = "500" height = "300">
 +<img src = "" width = "500" height = "300"><img src = "" align = "right" width = "500" height = "300">
 +The only thing left on the screen should be your object.
 +<img src = "">
 +7. As you can see, there are still holes in the mesh.  To fill these
 +holes, click on the Edges button in the left side of the screen.  In
 +the Edges tab is a list of all the holes that the mesh still contains.
 +To fill these holes, click Select All to check all the holes, then click
 +Fill Holes to fill all the selected holes.  Once the holes are filled,
 +click Apply to save the changes made.
 +<img src = "" width = "500" height = "300">
 +<img src = "" align = "right" width  ="500" height = "300">
 +8. To add finishing touches, go back to the Tools tab and use any of the
 +tools under Post-Processing to smooth everything out and add finer details.
 +You can also use the Smooth Brush in the Editor tab to manually smooth
 +out surfaces that seem to bumpy.  The Eraser can also be used to erase
 +any more unwanted parts, but doing so will recreate holes that must be
 +<img src = "" width = "1000" height = "600">
 +<a name = "Exporting your Scan for Printing"></a>
 +<h3>Exporting your Scan for Printing</h3>
 +Here the completed mesh will be exported and uploaded on the <a href = "">Viewshape</a>
 +website for others to see and download.  On n the full version of Artec,
 +you would typically go to "File" then "Export Mesh", but that is not
 +available on the trial version.  To save this as a .stl, you would 
 +upload the mesh on the website, then download the part.
 +1. To start uploading the mesh, click Publish on the left side of the
 +screen.  This opens the Publish tab where you can change things such as
 +license, privacy, and name of the mesh.  For now, just rename the mesh
 +to something you would recognize later.  When you are done, click Publish.
 +<img src = "" width = "300" height = "500">
 +2. Go to the <a href = "">Viewshape</a> website.
 +Click the Login key in the top-right corner of the screen and type in
 +your email and password you created earlier when registering for Artec.
 +<img src = "" width = "300" height = "200">
 +3. Once logged on, place the mouse cursor over your name in the top-right
 +corner of the screen then click My Gallery.
 +<img src = "">
 +4. In My Gallery, you can see all the meshes you uploaded from Artec.
 +Under the mesh you just uploaded, click Edit.  Check mark "Everyone can
 +download shape" to make the mesh available for download, then click Publish.
 +5. Afterwards, you can click back on your mesh and from here, download it
 +as a .ply file.
 +<img src = "" width = "500" height = "400">
 +6. To convert the .ply file into a .stl file for printing, use a mesh processing
 +software to import the file, then export it as a .stl.  I recommend
 +using <a href = "">MeshLab</a> for this task.
 +<a name = "Final Words"></a>
 +<h3>Final Words</h3>
 +Congragulations! You now know the process of scanning and editing your
 +first object.  This tutorial was meant to be a quick run though scanning
 +your first object.  For more information on 3D Scanning, visit the wiki
 +page <a href = "">here</a>.
 +Below are 3D meshes of a chair and Hubo hand from DASL.
 +If you need any questions answered, email me at
 +<img src = "" width = "200" height = "250">
 +<img src = "" width = "200" height = "250">
drexel_star_asus_scanner.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/07 22:15 by dwallace