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How to Program Darwin OP 2 to Walk Backward

Author: Yu Hang He Email:
Date: Last modified on <11/20/17>
Keywords: Darwin OP 2, C Programming, Robotis OP 2

This tutorial will demonstrate how to program Darwin OP 2 to walk backward. The walking algorithm for backward motion is included in Darwin OP 2's source code by Robotis. However, there is no on-line, or barely any, documentation of this process. This tutorial will provide some insight into the process and it will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Motivation and Audience

This tutorial's motivation is to demonstrate and document how to program Darwin OP 2 to walk backward. This tutorial assumes the reader has the following background and interests:

  • Familiar with handling Darwin OP 2
  • Familiar with Cplusplus/C programming language
  • Familiar with Cplusplus/C codes on Darwin OP 2

The rest of this tutorial is presented as follows:


Darwin OP 2's Walking class calculates motor positions for walking algorithm internally based on parameters. Most of these parameters can be edited through walking_tuner program. Here is a detailed tutorial from Robotis on how to use walking_tuner.

There are 3 parameter in walking_tuner that cannot be saved: Step forward/back (mm), Step right/left (mm), and Step Direction (degree). Instead, these variables should be updated constantly by your program during Darwin OP 2's walking process.

Below is a sample program that demonstrates Darwin OP 2 walking backward. Place both main.cpp and Makefile inside a new folder in directory robotisop2/Linux/project/tutorial/. Then, type make command to compile executable and type ./walk_backward to execute program.

| main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include "LinuxDARwIn.h"
#define INI_FILE_PATH       "../../../../Data/config.ini"
#define U2D_DEV_NAME        "/dev/ttyUSB0"
using namespace Robot;
void change_current_dir()
    char exepath[1024] = {0};
    if(readlink("/proc/self/exe", exepath, sizeof(exepath)) != -1)
int main(void)
    printf( "\n===== Walk Backward Tutorial for DARwIn =====\n\n");
    minIni* ini = new minIni(INI_FILE_PATH);
	//////////////////// Framework Initialize ////////////////////////////
	LinuxCM730 linux_cm730(U2D_DEV_NAME);
	CM730 cm730(&linux_cm730);
	if(MotionManager::GetInstance()->Initialize(&cm730) == false)
		printf("Fail to initialize Motion Manager!\n");
			return 0;
        //Port initialization and opening, dynamixel power on
        //Load default settings for MotionManager and Walking module
        LinuxMotionTimer *motion_timer = new LinuxMotionTimer(MotionManager::GetInstance());
        //Create MotionManager object and registers head and walking modules, then timers are initialized.
        /////////////////////////Capture Motor Position//////////////////////
	int n = 0;
	int param[JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS * 5];
	int wGoalPosition, wStartPosition, wDistance;
	for(int id=JointData::ID_R_SHOULDER_PITCH; id<JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS; id++)
		wStartPosition = MotionStatus::m_CurrentJoints.GetValue(id);
		wGoalPosition = Walking::GetInstance()->m_Joint.GetValue(id);
		if( wStartPosition > wGoalPosition )
			wDistance = wStartPosition - wGoalPosition;
			wDistance = wGoalPosition - wStartPosition;
		wDistance >>= 2;
		if( wDistance < 8 )
			wDistance = 8;
		param[n++] = id;
		param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wGoalPosition);
		param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wGoalPosition);
		param[n++] = CM730::GetLowByte(wDistance);
		param[n++] = CM730::GetHighByte(wDistance);
	cm730.SyncWrite(MX28::P_GOAL_POSITION_L, 5, JointData::NUMBER_OF_JOINTS - 1, param);
        //Capture initial position of Darwin OP 2's motor position
	printf("Press the ENTER key to begin!\n");
        Head::GetInstance()->m_Joint.SetEnableHeadOnly(true, true);
        Walking::GetInstance()->m_Joint.SetEnableBodyWithoutHead(true, true);
        //Walking and MotionManager enable motors
	    if(Action::GetInstance()->IsRunning() == 0)
		Head::GetInstance()->m_Joint.SetEnableHeadOnly(true, true);
                Walking::GetInstance()->m_Joint.SetEnableBodyWithoutHead(true, true);
                if(Walking::GetInstance()->IsRunning() == false){
                Walking::GetInstance()->X_MOVE_AMPLITUDE = -15.0;
                //X_MOVE_AMPLITUDE is a variable in Walking class that controls Darwin OP 2's walking step length, 
                //each unit corresponds to approximately 1 mm. Set X_MOVE_AMPLITUDE to negative numbers to program 
                //Darwin OP 2 to walk backwards. The Walking class calculates corresponding motor positions 
                Walking::GetInstance()->A_MOVE_AMPLITUDE = 0.0;
                //A_MOVE_AMPLITUDE is a variable in Walking class that controls Darwin OP 2's yaw movement. Each 
                //unit correspond approximately to 1 degree. 
                //Start walking algorithm
		Walking::GetInstance()->X_MOVE_AMPLITUDE = -15.0;
		Walking::GetInstance()->A_MOVE_AMPLITUDE = 0.0;
    return 0;
| Makefile
TARGET = walk_backward
INCLUDE_DIRS = -I../../../include -I../../../../Framework/include
CXX = g++
LFLAGS += -lpthread -ljpeg -lrt
OBJECTS =   main.o
all: $(TARGET)
	rm -f *.a *.o $(TARGET) core *~ *.so *.lo
	make -C ../../../build clean
distclean: clean libclean
	make -C ../../../build
$(TARGET): darwin.a $(OBJECTS)
	$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) ../../../lib/darwin.a -o $(TARGET) $(LFLAGS)
	chmod 755 $(TARGET)
# useful to make a backup "make tgz"
tgz: clean
	mkdir -p backups
	tar czvf ./backups/ball_following_`date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H.%M.%S"`.tgz --exclude backups *


In this demonstration, I successfully compile and execute the above programs

Final Words

This tutorial's objective was to demonstrate how to program Darwin OP 2 to walk backward.

For questions, clarifications, etc, Email:

darwin_walk_backward.1511291841.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/21 11:17 by yuhanghe