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Installation Instructions

Downloading Required Softwares

Installing the Libraries using CMAKE

1) Install the Kinect SDK , OpenNI2.0 and Nite2.0 , accepting all default installation configurations.

2) Go to your control panel and open the device manager. Check if when you connect the Kinect to your PC you can see the Kinect for Windows icon.

2) Go to your computer > right click on the icon of your PC > properties > advanced system settings > environment variables > under the system variables find the Path variable and add a new path on it , the path should be your OpenNI2>redist (the default installation location is on C>Program Files ).

3) Open your Visual Studio solution configured with the OpenCV (see the OpenCV installation tutorial ) . Right click in your project name on the solution explorer (right side ) and go to properties.

4) Under C/C++ > GENERAL , add a new path to additional include directories. The path should be OpenNI2>include (again look where you saved the OpenNI2 when you installed it , the default location is under C>program files).

5) Under LINKER> GENERAL, add a new path to additional libraries directories . The path should be OpenNI2>lib.

6) Under LINKER > INPUT , add a library to additional dependencies . Add the OpenNI2.lib

7) Include on your Visual Studio project header : #include <OpenNI.h>

8) If you did all right , the OpenNI library can be used now.

9) Try to run the commands:


	openni::Device device;
	auto ret =;
	if (ret != openni::STATUS_OK) {
		throw std::runtime_error("");
	//Opening Depth stream
	openni::VideoStream depthStream;
	depthStream.create(device, openni::SensorType::SENSOR_DEPTH);


If you can compile this commands is because your OpenNI library is successfully installed.


computer_vision_kinect_t1.1468530643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/14 14:10 by joaomatos