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DASL Tutorial HDT ARM #2 “How to move fingers while moving to position” in C/C++

This tutorial discusses using the HDT 3-fingered gripper. The first objective is to grasp objects with manual loading and placement in specific locations by user input, demonstrated here: Manual loading and user input placement , and the second is for pick and place objects, shown here: User input grasping and placement.



Tutorial completion time

1-2 hrs


  • You will have to change some coding lines in this tutorial, it is recommended that you use “ctrl+f” searching tutorial2 in the following document: mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp_final_.pdf, to determine the location of the coding adjustments.
  • Try not to remove any lines in the coding document “mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp”, but if you do, know that the lines referenced in this tutorial may be slightly off. If so, just compare the listed lines to the document in the previous bullet point.

Note for safe working conditions

Please do not crash the HDT arm into anything, so keep the workspace clear of any obstacles. If this cannot be avoided, or other unsafe conditions arise, press 'Ctrl+C' as an e-stop, on the keyboard.

How to control the HDT arm and gripper

This section covers the changes that need to be made when switching from the previous HDT tutorial #1 to this tutorial. It is common to two following sections that cover the slightly different tasks involved.

We need to make some edits to “mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp” before we launch the software. Referencing, “mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp”, you may search in the document “tutorial2” to find the four changes, which are listed below:

Change #1

The coding in this program is similar to Tutorial#1’s coding but before we made the robot just move on the position we entered. So, we expand the group numbers. To define the group members we use the line:

72    const std::vector<std::string>&joint_names1=kinematic_state->getJointModelGroup(“manipulator 1)->getJointModelNames();

Breakdown of the above line

'const std::vector<std::string>& joint_names1 = ' // reference to a vector holding joint names that are strings
'kinematic_state->getJointModelGroup("manipulator 1")->getJointModelNames();' 
// object 'kinematic_state' points to model group which points to the names of the joint model vector of strings.

To use ‘const std:: vector’ you can handle the components as vectors.

Change #2

81     joint_names_global.push_back(;

Change #3

To define the constant velocity to the robot components you have to define the new array 'p1[]', but don't delete the previously defined 'p[]' array.

95     double p1[] = {0.18,0.18,0.15,0.18,0.18,0.18,0.18,0.15,0.18,0.18, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1};
96     std::vector<double> vel1(p1, p1+14);

Note that p1[2]=0.05, p1[7]=0.05 are 0.03 less than others, maintain this difference for increasing or decreasing arm speed. For changing gripper speed, change p1[10], p1[11], p1[12], and p1[13], directly.

We should expand the group because previously the robot did not have a hand or fingers.

Reference : 9th vector = wrist , 10th vector: hand rotation, 11~14 vectors = fingers You can change the speed of arm or grabbing velocity. Just change the number above the vectors. Ideally, fast arm movement with slow gripping movement.

Change #4

Remove opening and closing comments on 178 & 220, respectively. [This block defines the HDT hand]

178   kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_state_group, joint_values);
179       joint_values.push_back(0.2); // index
180       joint_values.push_back(0.2); //ring yaw
181       joint_values.push_back(-0.3); //angle thumb
182       joint_values.push_back(0.2); //thumb
184       msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
185 = joint_names1;
187       msg.position = joint_values;
188       msg.velocity = vel1;
189       msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
190 = joint_names1;
195       joint_pub_.publish(msg);
196     }
197     else
198     { 
199       homePose_flag = false;
201       kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_state_group, joint_values);
203       joint_values.push_back(1.5); // index
204       joint_values.push_back(1.5); //ring yaw
205       joint_values.push_back(-1.5); //angle thumb
206       joint_values.push_back(1.2); //thumb
208       msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
209 = joint_names1;
211       msg.position = joint_values;
212       msg.velocity = vel1;
213       msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
214 = joint_names1;
219       joint_pub_.publish(msg);
220     }

Change #5

267    // actual_end_effector_.orientation.x = 0.0; // end-effector x-position
268    // actual_end_effector_.orientation.y = -0.7071068; // end-effector y-position
269    // actual_end_effector_.orientation.z = 0.0; // end-effector z-position
270    // actual_end_effector_.orientation.w = 0.7071068; // end-effector w-orientation


In contrast to the previous tutorial, we want the hand xy-plane parallel with the workspace plane, referencing the picture below:

Now we can modify the robot arm moving on to the position which entered, same as in the previous tutorial, but now, one can use the robot fingers. This launch file is named min_proj.launch. The launch file leads the robot to cpp command. Let’s check the cpp file. The cpp file name is “mk2_ik_getting_offset.cpp”

Manual loading and user input placement

  • This section covers the changes that need to be made so that the gripper can be manually loaded and released by user input.


Also, you should make coding to designate vectors. The vectors belong in a group named ‘joint_value1’ we made already. (If you want to change, you can change the name.) Then, do not forget joint_pub_.publish(msg); which shows the robot's current state.

Let's see the above coding line of 'if'. I intend that by adding a small value in the ‘x=0’ line, the robot will grasp.

The structure in the ‘else’ line is the case where the robot is being controlled by the user input.

The reason for the different values, when departing from home, the robot is going to grab slowly. Also, entering (0,0,0) can release the object while going to the home position.

In conclusion, you can increase the robot speed or decrease grabbing speed. So, if you combine with tutorial#1, you can pick up some stuff. We need the robot to grab slowly and with fast joint movements because the action is simultaneous. Therefore, you can give another function in accordance with your intention. For example, you can give the robot some sleep before the robot moves which way can grab after the robot gets position. As before, to enact changes to the program, do not forget to ‘make.’

Now I just posted a video with content on changing velocity of arm and grabbing. Increasing velocity of arm and decreasing grabbing speed makes grab the stuff on the table.

User input grasping and placement

  • This section is a direct upgrade to the previous section, but for grasping the object, it needs to be placed along the line x = 0.5, that is, the line parallel to the horizontal (long component of the workspace).

Change #6

The following program lines show that when the robot arm is at position x = 0.5, the fingers are not a grasping position.

222     if(ad_x == 0.5)
223     {
224          homePose_flag = false;
225          //ROS_INFO("If you entered z < 0.28, plz enter z > 0.28");
226          kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_state_group,joint_values);
227          joint_values.push_back(0.2); // index
228          joint_values.push_back(0.2); //ring yaw
229          joint_values.push_back(-0.3);//angle thumb
230          joint_values.push_back(0.2); //thumb
232          msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
233 = joint_names1;
235          msg.position = joint_values;
236          msg.velocity = vel1;
237          msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
238 = joint_names1;
243          joint_pub_.publish(msg);
244     }

Now, if you modify the robot to (x,y,z)=(0.5,0.5,0.2), you can move on another y position with a nearby table. If you want to grab an object at the position: (0.7,0.7,0.1), you can move on from (0.5,0.7,0.1) position. After grasping, you can move to any position besides the line x=0.5 to release. See the video below for the description, linked in the beginning as well: User input grasping and placement

dasl_tutorial_hdt_arm_2_move_fingers_while_moving_position.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/15 17:25 by jdowd