//===================================================================== // HiTechnic HTWay Version 1.1 // Copyright (c) 2010 HiTechnic // // Gyro based sample Segway type robot. This NXC program uses the LEGO // 2.0 firmware which has floating point support. It has been tested // with LEGO NXT firmware 1.29. // // To use the floating point math available in the 2.0 firmware, // BricxCC must be setup to tell the compiler to target that firmware. // From the Edit menu, select Preferences. Select the Compiler tab, // and then NBC/NXC sub-tab and check 'NXT 2.0 compatible firmware.' // Modified by Alex Alspach for use with Sparkfun Razor 6-Axis IMU. 2012. // Port Input and Output #define GYRO IN_1 #define IR_RECEIVER IN_4 #define LEFT_MOTOR OUT_C #define RIGHT_MOTOR OUT_A #define MOTORS OUT_AC //===================================================================== // Balancing constants // // These are the constants used to maintain balance. // // Loop wait time. WAIT_TIME is the time in ms passed to the // Wait command. #define WAIT_TIME 8 // Wheel ratio is relative size compared to NXT 1.0 wheels // For the NXT 1.0 wheels (56x26) use: 1.0 // For the NXT 2.0 wheels (43.2x22) use: 0.7 // For the big white RCX wheels (81.6x15) use: 1.4 #define WHEEL_RATIO_NXT1 1.0 #define WHEEL_RATIO_NXT2 0.8 #define WHEEL_RATIO_RCX 1.4 // These are the main four balance constants, only the gyro // constants are relative to the wheel size. KPOS and KSPEED // are self-relative to the wheel size. //#define KGYROANGLE 7.5 //#define KGYROSPEED 1.15 //#define KPOS 0.07 //#define KSPEED 0.1 #define KGYROANGLE 10 #define KGYROSPEED 1.15 #define KPOS 0.07 #define KSPEED 0.1 // This constant aids in drive control. When the robot starts // moving because of user control, this constant helps get the // robot leaning in the right direction. Similarly, it helps // bring robot to a stop when stopping. #define KDRIVE 10 // Power differential used for steering based on difference of // target steering and actual motor difference. #define KSTEER 0.25 // Gyro offset control // The gyro sensor will drift with time. This constant is used in a // simple long term averaging to adjust for this drift. // Every time through the loop, the current gyro sensor value is // averaged into the gyro offset weighted according to this constant. #define EMAOFFSET -0.0005 // If robot power is saturated (over +/- 100) for over this time limit // then robot must have fallen. In milliseconds. #define TIME_FALL_LIMIT 1000 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // IR Control constants #define CONTROL_WAIT 25 // To use a different IR channel, chage these constants #define IR_LEFT HT_CH1_A #define IR_RIGHT HT_CH1_B // This constant is in degrees/second for maximum speed. Note that // position and speed are measured as the sum of the two motors, in // other words, 600 would actually be 300 degrees/second for each // motor. #define CONTROL_SPEED 600.0 //===================================================================== // Global Variable for File Handing and Gyro Data Logging unsigned int result; // flag returned when handling files byte fileHandle; // handle to the data file short fileSize; // size of the file short bytesWritten; // number of bytes written to the file string fileHeader; // column header for data in the file int fileNumber, filePart; // integers to split up data file names string fileName; // name of the file int filesize = 30240; string strFileNumber; // file number e.g myDataFile 1, 2, 3 string strFilePart; // file part e.g. myDataFile1-1, 1-2, 1-3 string text; // string to be written to file i.e. data values string strgyroRaw; string strgOffset; string strgyroSpeed; string strgyroAngle; string strtInterval; string strA0raw; string strA1raw; float A0raw; float A1raw; // Global variables // // These variables are used to control the movement of the robot. Both // are in degrees/second. // // motorControlDrive is the target speed for the sum of the two motors // while motorControlSteer is the target change in difference for two motors. float motorControlDrive = 0.0; float motorControlSteer = 0.0; // This global contains the target motor differential, essentially, // which way the robot should be pointing. This value is // updated every time through the balance loop based on motorControlSteer float motorDiffTarget = 0.0; // Time that robot first starts to balance. Used to calculate tInterval long tCalcStart; // tInterval is the time, in seconds, for each iteration of the // balance loop. float tInterval; // ratioWheel stores the relative wheel size compared to a standard NXT // 1.0 wheel. RCX 2.0 wheel has ratio of 0.7 while large RCX wheel is 1.4 float ratioWheel; // Gyro globals float gOffset; float gAngleGlobal = 0; // Motor globals float motorPos = 0; long mrcSum = 0, mrcSumPrev; long motorDiff; long mrcDeltaP3 = 0; long mrcDeltaP2 = 0; long mrcDeltaP1 = 0; //===================================================================== #include "NXCDefs.h" #define PROTO_PORT IN_2 int inputdata; int outputdata; int count; byte cmndbuf[]; // buffer for outbound I2C command byte respbuf[]; // buffer for inbound I2C response /* protoboard I/O map 42,43 - A0 input 44,45 - A1 input 46,47 - A2 input 48,49 - A3 input 4A,4B - A4 input 4C - B inputs 4D - B outputs 4E - B controls */ void readdataA0() { ArrayInit(cmndbuf, 0, 2); // set the buffer to hold 2 values cmndbuf[0] = 0x02; // set write to channel cmndbuf[1] = 0x42; // to set read address count=2; // 2 bytes to read I2CBytes(PROTO_PORT, cmndbuf, count, respbuf); // issue I2C write command and read the byte back A0raw=respbuf[0]*4+respbuf[1]; // create input value by reading the high order byte, // shift it left 3 bits and add the low order byt to //create a full 10 bit value } void readdataA1() { ArrayInit(cmndbuf, 0, 2); // set the buffer to hold 2 values cmndbuf[0] = 0x02; // set write to channel cmndbuf[1] = 0x44; // to set read address count=2; // 2 bytes to read I2CBytes(PROTO_PORT, cmndbuf, count, respbuf); // issue I2C write command and read the byte back A1raw=respbuf[0]*4+respbuf[1]; // create input value by reading the high order byte, // shift it left 3 bits and add the low order byt to //create a full 10 bit value } //Functions for File Handling and Gyro Data Logging void InitWriteToFile() { fileNumber = 0; // set first data file to be zero filePart = 0; // set first part of first data file to zero fileName = "myMotorSpeed.csv"; // name of data file result=CreateFile(fileName, filesize, fileHandle); // NXT Guide Section 9.100 pg. 1812 and Section pg. 535 // returns file handle (unsigned int) // check if the file already exists while (result==LDR_FILEEXISTS) // LDR_FILEEXISTS is returned if file pre-exists { CloseFile(fileHandle); fileNumber = fileNumber + 1; // if data file already exists, create new one fileName=NumToStr(fileNumber); fileName=StrCat("myMotorSpeed", fileName, ".csv"); result=CreateFile(fileName, filesize, fileHandle); } // end while // play a tone every time a file is created PlayTone(TONE_B7, 5); fileHeader = "strgyroRaw, strgOffset, strgyroSpeed , strgyroAngle , strtInterval, A0raw, A1raw"; // header for myData file WriteLnString(fileHandle, fileHeader, bytesWritten); // NXT Guide Section pg. 554 // Write string and new line to a file // bytesWritten is an unsigned int. Its value is # of bytes written } // end InitWriteToFile void WriteToFile(string strTempText) { // strTempText stores the text (i.e. ticks and motorRpm to be written to file // write string to file result=WriteLnString(fileHandle, strTempText, bytesWritten); // if the end of file is reached, close the file and create a new part if (result==LDR_EOFEXPECTED) // LDR_EOFEXPECTED is flagged when end-of-file { // close the current file CloseFile(fileHandle); // NXT Guide Section pg. 535 // Closes file associated with file handle // create the next file name filePart = filePart + 1; strFileNumber = NumToStr(fileNumber); strFilePart = NumToStr(filePart); fileName = StrCat("myMotorSpeed", strFileNumber,"-", strFilePart ,".csv"); // delete the file if it exists DeleteFile(fileName); // NXT Guide Section pg. 537 // Delete the file specified by the string input // create a new file CreateFile(fileName, filesize, fileHandle); // play a tone every time a file is created PlayTone(TONE_B7, 5); WriteLnString(fileHandle, strTempText, bytesWritten); } // end if } // end WriteToFile // Close the file void StopWriteToFile() { // close the file CloseFile(fileHandle); } // end StopWriteToFile // void SetWheelRatio() // // This function implements a UI so that the user can choose the // size of the wheels used on the robot. void SetWheelRatio() { int nSelect; // Start of with Medium (NXT 1.0) selected nSelect = 2; do { // Display base text of user interface on screen ClearScreen(); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "HiTechnic-HTWayC"); TextOut(6, LCD_LINE2, "Set wheel size:"); TextOut(2, LCD_LINE8, "< [Select] >"); // Display current selection switch (nSelect) { case 1: // Small CircleOut(50, 32, 6); TextOut(7, LCD_LINE7, "Small (NXT 2.0)"); ratioWheel = WHEEL_RATIO_NXT2; break; case 2: // Medium CircleOut(50, 32, 10); TextOut(2, LCD_LINE7, "Medium (NXT 1.0)"); ratioWheel = WHEEL_RATIO_NXT1; break; case 3: // Large CircleOut(50, 32, 14); TextOut(17, LCD_LINE7, "Large (RCX)"); ratioWheel = WHEEL_RATIO_RCX; break; } // Make sure previous button is released, loop until all released while(ButtonPressed(BTNLEFT, false) || ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, false) || ButtonPressed(BTNRIGHT, false)); // Get button press while(true) { if (ButtonPressed(BTNLEFT, false)) { nSelect--; if (nSelect < 1) nSelect = 3; break; } if (ButtonPressed(BTNRIGHT, false)) { nSelect++; if (nSelect > 3) nSelect = 1; break; } if (ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, false)) break; } } until (ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, false)); ClearScreen(); } //===================================================================== // GetGyroOffset // // This function returns a suitable initial gyro offset. It takes // 100 gyro samples over a time of 1/2 second and averages them to // get the offset. It also check the max and min during that time // and if the difference is larger than one it rejects the data and // gets another set of samples. #define OFFSET_SAMPLES 100 void GetGyroOffset() { float gSum; int i, gMin, gMax, g; ClearScreen(); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "HiTechnic-HTWayC"); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Lay robot down"); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE5, "flat to get gyro"); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE6, "offset."); // Ensure that the motor controller is active since this affects // the gyro values. Off(MOTORS); do { gSum = 0.0; gMin = 1000; gMax = -1000; for (i=0; i gMax) gMax = g; if (g < gMin) gMin = g; gSum += g; Wait(5); } } while ((gMax - gMin) > 1); // Reject and sample again if range too large PlayTone(440,1000); //Average the sum of the samples. gOffset = gSum / OFFSET_SAMPLES + 1.0; // Even with motor controller active, the initial offset appears to // be off from the actual needed offset to keep robot from wondering. // This +1 helps keep robot from wondering when it first starts to // balance. } //===================================================================== void StartBeeps() { int c; ClearScreen(); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "HiTechnic-HTWayC"); TextOut(20, LCD_LINE3, "Balance in"); // Play warning beep sequence to indicate balance about to start for (c=5; c>0;c--) { NumOut(47, LCD_LINE4, c); //PlayTone(440,100); Wait(1000); } NumOut(47, LCD_LINE4, 0); //PlayTone(440,1000); Wait(1000); } //===================================================================== // task main - initializes the sensors, Both taskBalance and // taskController start when main ends. task main() { InitWriteToFile(); // Initialize Proto Board SetSensorLowspeed(PROTO_PORT); // set sensor port 1 to low speed serial (I2C) Wait(100); ArrayInit(cmndbuf, 0, 3); // set the buffer to hold 3 values cmndbuf[0] = 0x02; // set write to channel cmndbuf[1] = 0x4E; // to set write address cmndbuf[2] = 0x3F; // to write 111111 count=0; // no bytes to read I2CBytes(PROTO_PORT, cmndbuf, count, respbuf); // issue I2C write command Wait(100); // Initialize the sensors SetSensorHTGyro(GYRO); //SetSensorLowspeed(IR_RECEIVER); Wait(50); // Get user input on wheel size SetWheelRatio(); // Get the initial gyro offset GetGyroOffset(); // Play warning beep sequence before balance starts StartBeeps(); // When task main ends, both taskBalance and taskControl will start } //===================================================================== // GetGyroData(float &gyroSpeed, float &gyroAngle) // // Get the data from the gyro. // Fills the pass by reference gyroSpeed and gyroAngle based on // updated information from the Gyro Sensor // // Maintains an automatically adjusted gyro offset as well as // the integrated gyro angle. inline void GetGyroData(float &gyroSpeed, float &gyroAngle) { float gyroRaw; //gyroRaw = SensorHTGyro(GYRO); readdataA0(); gyroRaw = (A0raw-384.524)*(-0.98); //readdataA1(); NumOut(20, LCD_LINE5, gyroRaw); ClearScreen(); gOffset = EMAOFFSET * gyroRaw + (1-EMAOFFSET) * gOffset; gyroSpeed = gyroRaw - gOffset; NumOut(20, LCD_LINE6, gyroSpeed); NumOut(20, LCD_LINE7, A0raw); gAngleGlobal += gyroSpeed*tInterval; gyroAngle = gAngleGlobal; //strgyroRaw = FormatNum("%5.6f", gyroRaw); //strgOffset = FormatNum("%5.6f", gOffset); //strgyroSpeed = FormatNum("%5.6f", gyroSpeed); //strgyroAngle = FormatNum("%5.6f", gyroAngle); //strtInterval = FormatNum("%5.6f", tInterval); //strA0raw = FormatNum("%5.6f", A0raw); //strA1raw = FormatNum("%5.6f", A1raw); //text=StrCat(strgyroRaw,",", strA0raw); //text=StrCat(strgyroRaw, ",", strgOffset,",", strgyroSpeed, ",", strgyroAngle,",", strtInterval, ",", strA0raw); // ",", strA1raw ); //WriteToFile(text); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void GetMotorData(float &motorSpeed, float &motorPos) { long mrcLeft, mrcRight, mrcDelta; // Keep track of motor position and speed mrcLeft = MotorRotationCount(LEFT_MOTOR); mrcRight = MotorRotationCount(RIGHT_MOTOR); // Maintain previus mrcSum so that delta can be calculated and get // new mrcSum and Diff values mrcSumPrev = mrcSum; mrcSum = mrcLeft + mrcRight; motorDiff = mrcLeft - mrcRight; // mrcDetla is the change int sum of the motor encoders, update // motorPos based on this detla mrcDelta = mrcSum - mrcSumPrev; motorPos += mrcDelta; // motorSpeed is based on the average of the last four delta's. motorSpeed = (mrcDelta+mrcDeltaP1+mrcDeltaP2+mrcDeltaP3)/(4*tInterval); // Shift the latest mrcDelta into the previous three saved delta values mrcDeltaP3 = mrcDeltaP2; mrcDeltaP2 = mrcDeltaP1; mrcDeltaP1 = mrcDelta; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // void SteerControl(int power, int &powerLeft, int &powerRight) // // This function determines the left and right motor power that should // be used based on the balance power and the steering control inline void SteerControl(int power, int &powerLeft, int &powerRight) { int powerSteer; // Update the target motor difference based on the user steering // control value. motorDiffTarget += motorControlSteer * tInterval; // Determine the proportionate power differential to be used based // on the difference between the target motor difference and the // actual motor difference. powerSteer = KSTEER * (motorDiffTarget - motorDiff); // Apply the power steering value with the main power value to // get the left and right power values. powerLeft = power + powerSteer; powerRight = power - powerSteer; // Limit the power to motor power range -100 to 100 if (powerLeft > 100) powerLeft = 100; if (powerLeft < -100) powerLeft = -100; // Limit the power to motor power range -100 to 100 if (powerRight > 100) powerRight = 100; if (powerRight < -100) powerRight = -100; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CalcInterval(long cLoop) // // Calculate the interval time from one iteration of the loop to the next. // Note that first time through, cLoop is 0, and has not gone through // the body of the loop yet. Use it to save the start time. // After the first iteration, take the average time and convert it to // seconds for use as interval time. inline void CalcInterval(long cLoop) { if (cLoop == 0) { // First time through, set an initial tInterval time and // record start time tInterval = 0.0055; tCalcStart = CurrentTick(); } else { // Take average of number of times through the loop and // use for interval time. tInterval = (CurrentTick() - tCalcStart)/(cLoop*1000.0); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // taskBalance // This is the main balance task for the HTWay robot. // // Robot is assumed to start leaning on a wall. The first thing it // does is take multiple samples of the gyro sensor to establish and // initial gyro offset. // // After an initial gyro offset is established, the robot backs up // against the wall until it falls forward, when it detects the // forward fall, it start the balance loop. // // The main state variables are: // gyroAngle This is the angle of the robot, it is the results of // integrating on the gyro value. // Units: degrees // gyroSpeed The value from the Gyro Sensor after offset subtracted // Units: degrees/second // motorPos This is the motor position used for balancing. // Note that this variable has two sources of input: // Change in motor position based on the sum of // MotorRotationCount of the two motors, // and, // forced movement based on user driving the robot. // Units: degrees (sum of the two motors) // motorSpeed This is the speed of the wheels of the robot based on the // motor encoders. // Units: degrees/second (sum of the two motors) // // From these state variables, the power to the motors is determined // by this linear equation: // power = KGYROSPEED * gyro + // KGYROANGLE * gyroAngle + // KPOS * motorPos + // KSPEED * motorSpeed; // task taskBalance() { Follows(main); float gyroSpeed, gyroAngle; float motorSpeed; int power, powerLeft, powerRight; long tMotorPosOK; long cLoop = 0; ClearScreen(); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE1, "HiTechnic-HTWayC"); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Balancing"); tMotorPosOK = CurrentTick(); // Reset the motors to make sure we start at a zero position ResetRotationCount(LEFT_MOTOR); ResetRotationCount(RIGHT_MOTOR); while(true) { CalcInterval(cLoop++); GetGyroData(gyroSpeed, gyroAngle); GetMotorData(motorSpeed, motorPos); // Apply the drive control value to the motor position to get robot // to move. motorPos -= motorControlDrive * tInterval; // This is the main balancing equation power = (KGYROSPEED * gyroSpeed + // Deg/Sec from Gyro sensor KGYROANGLE * gyroAngle) / ratioWheel + // Deg from integral of gyro KPOS * motorPos + // From MotorRotaionCount of both motors KDRIVE * motorControlDrive + // To improve start/stop performance KSPEED * motorSpeed; // Motor speed in Deg/Sec if (abs(power) < 100) tMotorPosOK = CurrentTick(); SteerControl(power, powerLeft, powerRight); // Apply the power values to the motors OnFwd(LEFT_MOTOR, powerLeft); OnFwd(RIGHT_MOTOR, powerRight); // Check if robot has fallen by detecting that motorPos is being limited // for an extended amount of time. if ((CurrentTick() - tMotorPosOK) > TIME_FALL_LIMIT) { //break; } Wait(WAIT_TIME); } Off(MOTORS); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4, "Oops... I fell"); TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, "tInt ms:"); NumOut(6*8, LCD_LINE8, tInterval*1000); } //===================================================================== // taskControl // This task runs in parallel to taskBalance. This task monitors // the IR Receiver and sets the global variables motorControlDrive // and motorControlSteer. Both of these values are in degrees/second. // task taskControl() { Follows(main); char pfData[8]; while(true) { //ReadSensorHTIRReceiver(IR_RECEIVER, pfData); if (pfData[IR_LEFT] == -128) pfData[IR_LEFT] = 0; if (pfData[IR_RIGHT] == -128) pfData[IR_RIGHT] = 0; // Set control Drive and Steer. These are in motor degree/second motorControlDrive = (pfData[IR_LEFT] + pfData[IR_RIGHT]) * CONTROL_SPEED / 200.0; motorControlSteer = (pfData[IR_LEFT] - pfData[IR_RIGHT]) * CONTROL_SPEED / 200.0; Wait(CONTROL_WAIT); } // Wait to allow user time to see screen. Wait(10000); }