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Author: <DONGBIN KIM> Email: Date: Last modified on <05/09/17> Keywords: <MM-UAV, Drones, Manipulator, Mobile Manipulation>

1.Designing a system for mobile manipulation for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles“

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Annotated References

1. Title of Paper Publisher: Technologies for Practical Robot Applications(TePRA, 2011 IEEE)

Keywords (Mobile manipulation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Dexterous Arms)

Proper Citation - 8

This paper describes (fill-in-the-blank). -An early phase towards using an UAVs to perform mobile manipuation.

The big picture that motivates this paper is (fill-in-the-blank). -Interact with ground effect -UAV payloads become ideal for carrying arms -Typical applications such as maintenance on a bridge or building, clearing.

The critical gap the paper tries to fill is/are (fill-in-the-blank). -Improve stability with the elliptical structure. -Overcome restriction in work space by gantry system.

The approach used is (fill-in-the-blank). -Find related work regarding mobile manipulation. -Compare manipulators between top tier universities

This approach's background stems from (fill-in-the-blank). -Manipulator in graving based systems. -Open RAVE -ROS

The paper presents (select: models, simulations, and/or experiments). -6 Degrees of Freedom Gantry gives mobility emulates the UAV in flight. -HOKUYO LiDAR -Two banett whole arm manipulators. -CPUs -Micro ATX Quadcore motherboard

The (selection - do this for model, simulation and/or experiments) stems from (fill-in-the-blank). -Simulation in Open RAVE. -ROS : WAM control package.

The results suggest (fill-in-the-blank). -Stable base task with manipulator(pick and place movement)

The paper concludes with (fill-in-the-blank). -presentation of initial design of a system to simulate an UAV manipulator. -UAV has possibility to carry manipulators.

The authors (or your personal thoughts) envision future work in (fill-in-the-blank). -Design a prototype of manipulator in next 2-3 years

I found the paper useful for the following reason(s): (fill-in-the-blank with 1-3 points). -Pioneer for MM-UAV research topic.

mm-uav.1494437604.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/10 10:33 by dongbinkim