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Beyond Line of Sight FPV

What is it?

This is where you, the pilot, are not able to able to visibly confirm the position of the vehicle. This usually implies that there is some kind of obstacle blocking the view of the pilot. There are different things that can effect how well the signal is able to get around the object without losing signal. Lets talk about two things that you can do to extend your fpv range or get a strong signal despite being behind obstacles.


What type of antenna that you use is crucial to beyond line of sight fpv. Please watch these two videos to get a better sense of why.

This video goes in depth about the theory of why its better to use one kind of polarized antenna verses another

This video uses actual antennas that you will see on quads to help you visualize what the first video was talking about in the real world.


Another way to get a strong signal that can go through object is to use a more powerful transmitter. On all of the transmitters you will notice that there is a power rating. The more power the longer the range for that transmitter is.

In many placed beyond line of sight fpv flying is strictly illegal. So if you decided to embark on doing this please keep it to a minimum, or at least in a controlled environment.


There is obviously much more to this than what is in this short introduction. If you want to learn more please try youtube, or other enthusiast forums for more information. And if you feel like it should be on here please feel free to add it.

fpv_beyond_line_of_sight.1461121483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/19 20:04 by keitaronishimura