===== MM-UAV Arm ===== * [[MM-UAV Arm Assembly]] * [[MM-UAV Arm Bluetooth Operation]] ===== Vision Based Control ===== * [[robotic_manipulators|Robotic Manipulators Basics]] * How to get Denavit-Harterberg parameters for a Serial Arm * How to create Serial Arms on RVC robotics toolbox on Matlab * How to solve foward / inverse kinematics using RVC built in functions. * [[robotic_manipulators_ik|Inverse Kinematics solver using damped least squares method in Cpp and Matlab]] * What is the use of the Denavit-Hartenberg notation on your IK solver. * Learn how to code a Inverse Kinematics solver using Cpp or Matlab * [[robotic_manipulators_ibvs|Image Based Visual Servoing - DASL Serial Arm (Dynamixel Servo + Flea3 Camera)]] * How to control dynamixel servos using Cpp * How to get Flea3 Camera feed and convert to OpenCV format using Cpp * How to integrate vision and manipulator control.