====== CNC Tormach PCNC 1100 Tutorial 0 ====== **Author:** Jean Chagas Vaz **Email:** chagasva@unlv.nevada.edu \\ **Date:** Last modified on 01/18/17 \\ **Keywords:** Tutorial, Machining, step-by-step \\ \\ This tutorial presents a short introductory tutorial on the CNC Tormach PCNC 1100. Using a simple example to illustrate the basic commands of the CNC Machine. {{:34427-pcnc-1100-full-enclosure.jpg?nolink|}} \\ ===== Motivation and Audience ===== * oidchjizxhickzjxc The tutorial is presented as follows: * kjsda * fdos * dfchs ==== Materials and Sources ==== This tutorial assumes the reader has not had any contact with the CNC Tormach PCNC 1100. Therefore, all the basic operations shall be detailed. Useful links can be find below: \\ ^Page Name ^Link| | Tormach PCNC 1100 |https://www.tormach.com/product_pcnc_main.html| | Mastercan|http://www.mastercam.com/en-us/| ==== Procedure ==== This section ...... \\ \\ **Step 1** \\ \\ \\ Figure 1: ...... First, ...... \\ \\ **Step 2** \\ \\ {{:?nolink|}} \\ Figure 2: ....... Next, ..... \\ \\ **Step 3** \\ \\ {{:?nolink|}} \\ Figure 3: ..... Next, .... \\ \\ **Step 4** \\ \\ {{:?nolink|}} \\ Figure 4: ..... Next, .... \\ \\ **Step 5** \\ \\ {{:?nolink|}} \\ Figure 5: ..... Next, ...... \\ \\ **Step 6** \\ Now ...... \\ \\ **Step 7** \\ When .... \\ \\ **Step 8** \\ \\ {{:?nolink|}} \\ Figure 8: ...... Start by setting ..... \\ \\ **Step 9** \\ Next, \\ {{youtube>nobExDW7gEk?medium}} // // ==== Commentaries ==== This tutorial's objective was to ..... \\ \\ dfhkjhsdfkjksdfkj \\ \\